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Rivall Friendship


The Seventh Eighth^ Book

Scarce were Loreto’s Nuptialls consummate ere report brought me word of it; which at first I was so far from crediting, as I look’d on it as no other then a rumour spread by that tatling Goddess Fame who oftner appeares spotted with slaunder, then beautifi’d with truth: for it could not enter into my thoughts, much less into my beliefe, that he who had but a little before offer’d to quit Sicily for my sake, should immediatly after abandon me so lightly. But that resolve of his which I resented [felt] with such kindness, as believeing it to be (as he had protested) assum’d onely on my score, was made meerly on his owne (as I afterwards heard) for happing to have some difference with his Mother for abating somewhat of his usuall allowance, pretending he was too profuse in his expences (though others thought him rather guilty of too much Parcimony) whereat he grew so discontented, as in her presence he solemly swore to leave Sicily, and never more to see it till after the death of Leonora.

This Madam was the true cause of his designed Travell, notwithstanding his other pretence. But alass how easily are we poore sillie ones deluded with faire semblances and shews of sincerity; sure (pursu’d she) men are compos’d of nothing but hipocricy and deceite.

Be not so unjust (interrupted Gentillus) for the faults of some to censure all men so severely.

Mistake me not (repli’d she) I meane not each perticuler man in the World; but onely the generallity, and greatest part of Mankind: for I know many (and namely your self my Lord who may be put in the first rank) that are of a more Generous, and noble Frame; and questionless there are divers that I ne’re heard so much as named, who scorn to betray, or abuse our too easie Credulities (that Originall of our sexes misfortunes) and though I am perswaded there lives not a person that has juster cause to inveigh with bitterness against men then my selfe, yet shall not their injuries so far transport me to resentment [bitter feelings], as to make me condemne the Innocent with the guilty, or involve the guiltless in the Crimes of the Culpable.

But what I at first slighted as a false report, hearing it again confirm’d by the testimony of such as I knew could [fol. 94 v ] not be mistaken, I could no longer disbelieve, or doubt the truth of it. I must confess this Infidelity of Loreto’s surpriz’d me very much at first, and the rather in regard t’was so unexpected: nor will I deny, but that for some few dayes I was very much concern’d; yet great as this trouble was, it deserves not to be mention’d, if compar’d with what I suffer’d since upon{226} the like score; but so carefully did I conceale my grief as none in the least suspected I was any way concern’d. But t’was not long ere that Passion gave place to one more reasonable; for anger was quickly more potent in me then sorrow, being a little heightned too by disdaine to see my self deluded, and so undeservedly forsaken: and this satisfaction I had, to find he had not got such a firme possession in my brest, but that with no great difficulty I utterly expell’d him thence in fewer dayes then he had spent weekes in geting an interest there: for since the kindness I had for him sprung rather from gratitude then inclination, when once the cause was taken away the effect soon ceas’d; and quickly did I dry my eyes, resolving to employ them better then to lament by them the loss of a Faithless Lover whom I could no longer count worthy of a teare.

But how highly soever my resentment [feelings] transported me against him, I determin’d (if ever it ^were^ my hap at any time to see him) to demeane my self towards him in such a manner as he should not be able to guess upon what termes he stood with me: for I thought if I treated him scornfully, he might (perhaps) measure my past kindness, by my present Concerne; and if I suffer’d discontent to appeare in my Lookes, he possibly might thinke I more regreeted his loss, then resented [felt] his baseness; which I thought might perchance move him to tryumph in his unworthyness, and rather deride my weakness, then repent his injustice; so that in fine my resolve was, to carry myself with such indifferency to him and yet with such civility as might make him not onely sorry, but ashamed he had injur’d a person who had so litle deserv’d it from him: this resolution how firmely I could hold too, I had occation not long after to try; for one day, as I had been with my Father, and Mother at Arnardo’s as we return’d, they made a visit to a Gentleman and his Wife of their acquaintance who liv’d in theire way homeward.

[B]ut when we came in, Judge Madam (pursu’d Arthenia) whether or no I was surpriz’d (amongst much other Company that were there) to meet Loreto and Belissa too; to have met him onely would doubtless have daunted me enough when I so litle expected it, but likewise at the same time to see her, when I was so litle prepar’d for such an incounter, struck me into such a dampe as I am unable to express. I had heard indeed that he had brought her from Leontium to a Brothers of his that dwelt not far from Palermo; but that he was come to Crisalda’s or had brought Belissa thither was a thing altogether unknown to me. But I no sooner saw him, but I instantly call’d to mind my late [fol. 95 r ] determination, which I so strongly confirm’d my self in, and summoning to my aide all the assistance that reason could afford me, as in a short time I resetled that disorder the sight of him had stir’d within me, and prepar’d to receive him with as serene a brow as if I had been wholly unconcern’d; but so did not he appeare to me, for there was not more calmness to be seen in my lookes, then there was disorder to be perceiv’d in his: for he no sooner saw me come into the Roome, but (contrary to my intentions) casting my eye on him unawares, I saw his blood fly in his face in guilty blushes, and his eyes instantly fix themselves on the Ground, as if he had been asham’d to look her in the Face whom his Conscience could not but tell him he had done unworthily{227} by. But notwithstanding, seeing every one salute me, he thought himself oblig’d to do as others did; though (as I perceiv’d) he had scarce the confidence so to do, fancying (perhaps) I would refuse him that civility: but I did not, lest it might have been taken notice of; and seeing every one (after some time) engag’d in discourse save Loreto who stood leaning his Arme on the back of the Chaire on which I sate.

I turn’d me a litle about, and told him, I wish’d him much Joy and happiness (which in Sicilie is the usuall Complement to new married persons) and assur’d him I had heard of the accomplishment of his Marriage with no less satisfaction then they had celibrated it that sung his Hymeneus.

O how much goodness have I injur’d (said he with a sigh) but may I Madam believe (went he on) that your heart and tongue holds a correspondence at this time.

If my Tongue were of the temper of yours (repli’d I) you would have reason to question their agreement; but upon my word I alwayes speake as I meane, though I have some cause to believe you never did, at least to me.

You have reason indeed to believe so (interrupted he) and t’was meerly the sense I have of my owne unworthyness that mov’d me to doubt whether you could be soe generous as really to wish Joy to me, who have deserv’d nought from you but scorne, and hatred, and to be no otherwise regarded by you then as the basest man alive; all spotted o’re with that black and horrid sin of Infidelity; which I know but too well, is in me (who have so highly declam’d against it) a Crime of that nature, as I dare not endeavour to excuse it by any Apologie.

No Loreto (said I) tis needless, since the silent rethorick of Belissa’s lovly face does it more powerfully then any thing you can alleadge for your justification, for sure if your Inconstancy can find any Advocate to plead in its defence, it must be the charming sweetness of her Eyes must do you that good Office: but since you have made so advantagious a change, and found a person to bestow your self on every way more deserving then Arthenia [fol. 95 v ] I shall neither envie your felicity, nor so far distrust my owne good fortune, as not to hope (if ere I marry) the Fates has instore for me, one more worthy of me then Loreto.

Being unwilling to hold a longer conferrence with him lest it might be observ’d, I would pursue it no further, but turning from him I called a Gentlewoman of my acquaintance (who was there) to set downe by me, and addressing my discourse to her, I took no further notice of him whilst I stay’d. I confess my last words to Loreto express’d something more of sharpness then I intended; and vex’d at my selfe I was that I had said ought that might seeme to intimate my resentment [feelings]; but seeing I could not recall what I had spoken I resolv’d to be ^more^ cautious for the future: after this, I saw him no more again in halfe a yeare; in which time I had heard he was grown the most unkind Husband imaginable; and was told by severall (who had heard of the probability there once was of his having been mine) that they thought me very happie in missing him.

But that I knew, he that had been guilty of one baseness, might as well be guilty of another; I should have thought it strange that in so short a space he{228} should so much forget his Nuptiall vowes as to treat her who by so sacred a Union was become part of himselfe, not onely with indifferency, but with a careless neglect. This, when I was once assur’d of, it created in me a greater prejudice against him upon Belissa’s score, then on my owne; and mov’d me to congratulate my owne good Fortune that he fell not to my share; for thought I, if he use a Lady so deservedly admir’d for her perfections, at this rate, how would he have tyraniz’d o’re me; and what might I have expected from him, who have not the one halfe of those excellent qualities she has to intitle her to his affection in the highest degree.

The next time I saw him was at my Fathers, whether he took the confidence to come, and a fitter opportunity then this to speake with me he could not have wish’d, for that very day, both my Father, and Mother were gone to Palermo: when he came in he found me sitting in the Parlour onely accompanied with a Cousin of mine nam’d Amarantha who hapning to be undresst no sooner saw him but she slipt away, and got her up staires, leaving me alone to entertain this unlook’d for and no less unwellcome Guest; however, I thought civility oblig’d me to treat him as I would any other stranger that came to visit us.

I enquir’d of him how Belissa fared and when he saw Arnardo, or Marionie; and some other questions of the like nature I demanded of him, to all which he return’d sutable answers; and after a short silence (prefaceing what he was about to say with a sigh) he told me, that since the last time he had the happiness to see me, he had diligently waited for an opportunity to see me again; which he hop’d (as he said) to have found some time or other ere that, but since the Fates would not so far indulge his desires he had resolv’d (though perhaps I might look on it (he added) as a great presumption in him unlicenced to intrude into my presence) to come and implore my pardon for that high offence he had committed against so much Goodness and Clemency as could with so great Patience suffer such an Injury from him without once upbraiding [fol. 96 r ] him with it.

But tis this unequall’d goodness of yours Madam (pursu’d he) that has shewn me as in a Glass my Injustice and vil[e] Ingratitude in so larg and monsterous an extent, that I cannot be more hatefull to you, then I am odious to my selfe: nor need you (were you as revengfull as you are the contrary) wish me a severer punishment then that remorse that hourly torments my soule; from which I must ne’re hope for ease, unless you daine to seale my pardon which on my knees I beg (continu’d he falling at my feet) and vow thus to remaine forever unless I may obtaine it.

Rise, rise Loreto (said I) your Offence great as it is transcends not my charity; I can, and do forgive you freely: but let me tell you, tis rather of the Gods then me you ought to aske forgiveness; since you have more offended Heaven by invoking it to be a Witness to those violated vowes and faithless promises you made me, to no other end then to cheat me of my freedome, and ruine my content; which you might (peradventure) have done, had not discretion kept me from your snares, by advizing me not to engage in Love past a retreat: yet I will not deny, but that I once lov’d you much better then you deserv’d it seemes (since this was{229} the requitall you prepar’d me) yet not so well, but that when you once broke the bonds of your Fidelity, I could as easily untie those of my affection: but never feare that I’le reproach you with your Inconstancy, I rather pity it in you, since it has dropt a blot upon your Fame which you will find it hard ere to efface, seeing you can never cleare your self from the guilt of betraying the Innocent affection of a harmless virgin who never did, or wish’d you the least hurt; nor shall I ever wish you any, but on the contrary, pray you may be happie in the injoyment of Belissa who though she excells me in all things else I might (if I had been your Wife) perhaps have equall’d her in a pure and chast affection.

Ah Arnardo (cry’d he) how injurious has thy friendship been to me, and how miserable hast thou rendred me in aiming to make me happie. I must needs say (went he on) Belissa is a Lady of no meane perfections, but had they been of a greater magnitude they had never shaken much less throwne downe the Fortress of my fidelity, had not Arnardo first batter’d and undermin’d it by his perswasions to abandon you and make a second choice, so as might better sute my convenience, and obtaine Crisaldas approbation; without ^which^ he told me I could expect nothing but a certain ruine, in which I would involve you unavoidably if I married you before Leonora died; and if I made you waite for a Husband till then, it might be so long, as my owne death might possibly precede hers; so that after a tedious expectation of the performance of my promises, I could no otherwise requite your Love and Patience then by an injurious hinderance of your better fortunes: and though he added much more (pursu’d Loreto) to induce me to change the Designe I once really had, to be inviolably yours till Death should make a [fol. 96 v ] seperation between us; yet was it onely that which I last mention’d that was capable of prevailing with me to forsake you for Belissa, then whom I believ’d I could not fix on any that would be so pleasing to my Mother as she in regard I knew there had been an ancient kindness between her and Issodates; so that consulting Crisaldas satisfaction more then my owne content (which I could neither expect, nor hope to find in any but you alone) I gave my selfe to Belissa, yet so, as I reserv’d my heart, and best affections intire for you (whose of right they only are) though I confess (pursu’d he) I know them to be most unworthy either your value, or assist acceptance, since I have dared to prophane my Offering by permitting any other to share with you in it; but give me leave to assure you, that though Belissa does enjoy my person, yet tis you onely that possess my heart, which flames with as great a passion for you as ever; and though I know I transgress the bounds of discretion to tell you so, yet whilst I live, I must affirme, I did, do, and will forever love you above all Woemen breathing, and adore you with no less respect then if you were the Universall Princess of the World, and I your meanest slave. Then since you have been pleas’d to make me cease from being the most miserable of men (as I some few minutes since deem’d my selfe) by remitting my past offence, be but so generous as to recall some part of that kindness for me, which I know you have but too deservedly banish’d your heart,{230} and you will make me as happie, as I must be inevitably forever wretched without it.

But having no patience to heare him further (my eyes being no less inflam’d with anger, then his false heart with base desires, and my cheekes cover’d with blushes mix’d with shame and displeasure) I suffer’d him not to proceed; but interrupted him by a look I darted at him, wherein he could not but perceive with what disdain I receiv’d his last request; which with these words I seconded.

Are you in your Wits Loreto (said I) or do you think I have lost mine, that you address such a discourse as this to me: but I am glad I can out of your owne mouth convince you of Flattery and dissemulation, as justly as I may brand you with falshood; since at the same time you protest for me so high a respect, you presume to make me a request, which you could not but know would mortally offend me; which you would ne’re have dar’d to do, had you but any value for me, much less so great a one as you would make me believe. But I do not wonder now indeed you should abandon me since you could think so ignobly of me, as that I would entertain the proffer of your dishonourable Love (or rather base desire) any otherwise then with the highest scorn, and horridest detestation a vertuous soule is capable of. Was it for this then (pursu’d I) that you implor’d my pardon, to the intent [fol. 97 r ] you might injure me on a new score; and do you think t’was not enough to cheat my innocent affection, without endevouring to rob me of my honour too: but thanks to Heaven that is guarded on every side with a vertue strong enough to repell with scorn those Engines you vainly employ against it, and dart them back into your soule; which I now plainly see is so foule and Leperos that I shall henceforth shun you as I would a Basilisk, and dread to draw the Aire that’s tainted with your poisonous breath. Is this then the reparation you design’d me; I must confess tis noble, and like your self, to seeke to stain my honour, as you endeavour’d to ruine my content; but as discretion prevented the one, so vertue I trust will protect the other. Your Inconstancy would not allow me to be your Wife, but yet it seemes it can afford me the glory to be your mistress; but I am sure you know me not at all, if you can once imagine I can so far forget Heaven, or my owne Soule to descend so low to be Mistress to any man; no not the Mightiest Prince that ever sway’d a scepter, for even then when he were deck’d with all the glories that attend on Majesty, or glittering with all the splendors of his Crowne I would look on him with scorn, and tell him as I now do you, that I dispise and hate you as Hell.

You have resons more then enough I must confess to abhorre me (he repli’d) since I have merited your hatered in the highest degree; but yet, if touch’d with true remorse, I desire to give you all the reparation I am capable of, why should you think me out of my Wits to desire to regain your affection; since nothing is more naturall to those that love then to desire to live in their favour whom they affect!

Yes (said I) I know tis naturall for all men to be wicked; but when I gave you an interest in my esteeme, I thought you Master of so much Vertue as might have{231} been sufficent to subdue whatever ill Inclinations Nature might have planted in you: but though I have been deceiv’d in you, you shall not be so in me if I can help it; and therefore pray disabuse your self, and no longer harbour so erronious an opinion of me, as to believe you shall e’re perswade me to be so unjust as to accept from you as a reparation of your fault, that heart, or those affections which are no longer yours to give, since they of right belong wholly to Belissa.

But sure Loreto (went I on) you could not be so vain as to imagine that I would e’re accept the payment of your Debts to me by your Injuries to her. No no, though she innocently depriv’d me of my right, yet will I never be guilty of such Injustice, as to intrench on her p[r]erogative; for all that I will ever desire of you is onely this, that you will henceforth render her all the love and cordiall affection that is due from a Husband to a Wife, as her merits chalenge, and your obligation to her binds you; and no longer harbour the least thought of me [fol. 97 v ] that may be to her prejudice; and if in any thing you will oblige me, let it be I conjure you by that Friendship I once had for you, instantly to leave me, and never more to importune me with the trouble of your sight.

I shall endeavour to obey you Madam (he repli’d) but though you banish me your eyes, you cannot force my heart from hovering neere you; for till life forsakes it, that never can abandon you.

Do not percevere in these extravagant expression (said I) lest you compell me to repeat what I have said, and once more tell you (with an Epithite^at^)[1] that I will most horridly hate you; which is all the requitall you shall ever have of me for your egregious Folly.

I could adde no more, nor he returne me any answere, for Amarantha supposing I might take ill from her that she left me so long alone, dresst her and came downe; whereupon he thinking it unfit to continue such a discourse before her, bid me farewell, leaving me no less pleas’d with his departure, then I had been the contrary with his Company. I thought I had said enough to discourage him from ever coming neer me more; but notwithstanding I had express’d so much bitterness, and anger against him, yet after this, divers times did he assume the confidence to come to my Fathers, in hope that one time or other, Fortune might be as propitious to him as before, in helping him to a second surprizall of me alone; but in this, she was more my friend then his; for I had still the good hap either to espy him my selfe ere he came within the gates, or else had notice given me of his approach by some of our Family, to each perticuler person whereof I had declar’d the aversion I had against him (though I conceal’d from everyone the chiefest reason I had for it, lest they might judge me guilty of some lightness in my carriage which might have encourag’d him so impudently to affront me in my honour, by making me those Overtures which I could not heare motion’d without offending Vertue: but whatever Censure they might have pass’d on me,{232} I was secure in my owne Innocence from justly meriting any blame) therefore to shun all troubles of the like nature, so soon as ever I knew he was coming, I conceal’d my selfe in private, so as he could never get so much as a sight of me though he still enquir’d for me when he came; but finding me still deni’d, and no possibility of seeing me, he gave over at length his vain pursutes, and thereby freed me from no slight trouble.

But t’was not long I had been rid of that, ere a new one befell me; and such a one, as till then I had never known any so insupportable: which was not onely the loss of Merinza’s beloved company, but even the utter deprivation of all hopes of ever [fol. 98 r ] enjoying any converse with her again: for being about this time married to a young Nobleman (whose estate equall’d his extraction, both being eminently great) she was no longer at her owne dispose, but oblig’d not onely to leave poore Arthenia, but likewise her dearest and neerest Relations to follow her Husband, who in a litle while after their marriage carried her from us all, to the further part of Sicily where he liv’d.

Faine would I have gone with her, rather then my life, and no less desirous was she that I should, would Irvinus (for so was he call’d) have consented: but whether it were that he envied me her kindness, or imagin’d I had too great a Friendship for her, or that (as I rather think) he had conceiv’d some prejudice against me for opposing the match between them (as I confess I did) fancying him as unworthy of her as he has since but too well proov’d himselfe: but which of these reasons t’was that moved him to deny me the happiness, and his Lady the satisfaction of having me with her I cannot tell; but so it was that he compell’d us to take so sad a farewell as left us no hopes of ever seeing each other more, but patience was my onely remedy, and to that I had recourse endeavouring to mittigate my discontent with the beliefe I had, that Time would not be able to banish me her thoughts, though distance rob’d me of her sight.

But now as if Fortune had a designe to repaire the griefe she had made me suffer in depriving me of Merinza, she confer’d on me in requitall, the acquaintance, and Friendship of a Lady (named Ianthe) who for Wit and Beauty most deservedly acquired the admiration of all that ever saw her: and using (as in the spring time of her Youth she did) to frequent Adonis Garden, which is a Place of all other in Palermo the most pleasant and delightfull, being constantly filled every Evening with Troopes of the noblest and best accomplish’d Gallants and choicest Beauties that Sicily could boast, who repair’d thither to take the Aire, and recreate themselves: amongst whom, Faire Ianthe bare away the prize for beautie, being justly stil’d the glory of the Adonian Walkes: but I dare not undertake to delineat the charming features of her lovely Face, lest by my dull description I injure her perfections in seeking to illustrate them; therefore I will onely tell you Madam (pursu’d Arthenia) that though I knew her not till after her youth had past its Meridian, and her beauty was in its waine, yet even then did I think her Natures Master Piece, and the loveliest person that ever I had seen.{233}

What this most excellent Lady saw in me that could move her to affect me as she did, I know not, but this I am sure of, she lov’d me in so passionate a manner, as no Lover ere doated on a Mistress more then she did on Arthenia; and no sooner did she begin to love me, but she espous’d all my Concerns, and made them so absolutely hers, as there could not any thing hapen to me wherein she did not beare an equall part: and besides the satisfaction I found in being [fol. 98 v ] belov’d by so admirable a person I deriv’d from her Friendship an extraordinary advantage; for having by the Charmes of her conversation, the sweetness of her disposition, and the pleasantness of her humour (in which she excell’d all the woemen that yet I ever knew) gain’d so powerfull an ascendant over my Mothers heart, that her Friendship to Ianthe almost equall’d Ianthes to me, which kindness of Brecenas to her, she employ’d so well for my interest, as I could not wish for any thing that might conduce either to my content, or happiness, if it were in my Mothers power to grant, but she would obtain it for me. But the so unvaluable a treasure as the enjoyment of such a Friend, was a felicity too great for the unhappie Arthenia long to possess; for Experience had but newly rendred me sensible of my bliss, when Ianthe’s misfortunes (in which I must give her the precedency of me as well as in all things else) ravished her from me, though not her friendship I believe, for I am verily perswaded (if she be yet alive) in what part of the World soe’re she is, she still retains for me the same kindness as ever.

My Mother was the first that made a discovery of my loss for having neither seen, nor heard of her in a much longer time then she us’d to be absent from us, was not content to send, but went herselfe to enquire after her; but could by no meanes learn what what was become of her: nor other account could she get (notwithstanding all her diligent enquiries) then that she had on a sudden abandon’d her Lodging, and was gone none knew whether onely accompanied with Ambracia (her Maid) who for her fidelity and affection to Ianthe deserves to have her name recorded in Fames Golden Book; since no frowns of Fortune could fright her from her service; nay, I rather think they invited her to serve her the more faithfully. For Ianthe (by the misery of that War that had wasted our Country, wherin her Husband had been engag’d, which together with his profuse Prodigality beside) being reduced to such a condition, as after his death she was so far unable to keep her self a servant, as she was not able to keep herselfe without the assistance of her Friends, yet even in this sad estate did Ambracia (who had been brought up with her to be her Companion in her childish sports) find her out, and proffer’d to serve her freely without so much as the hopes of a reward; nor did she onely serve her gratis, but by her industry, and ingenuity help’d to maintaine her too; with which, together with what assistance she had from her Relations, she made a shift to keep herselfe in a garbe and habit so genteel, and handsome, as those that knew not her condition could not but think her Mistress of a fortune plentifull enough: and so sincerely was Ambracia devoted to her, that [fol. 99 r ] though she often importun’d, and perswaded her to leave her alone to wrastle with her unhappie Fate, yet were her requests invain, for so oft as Ianthe{234} perswaded her to abandon her, so oft did Ambracia repeat her vowes never to forsake her till Death divided them: and truly I believe she was as good as her word; for I could never learn any intelligence of her since no more then of her Mistress, whose loss to me was a griefe so great, as I resented [felt] not Loreto’s with halfe so much moderation, as I deplor’d poore Ianthe’s with excess of sorrow; for I considered, that in him I lost but a faithless Lover, but in loosing her, I lost a Faithfull Friend; which was a Treasure to be priz’d above the World, or ought that it contains.

But now Madam I must beg leave to silence a while my owne concerns (pursu’d Arthenia) to returne againe to Claromenes’s whose establishment on the Throne of his Father was now most earnestly desir’d, not by his Friends alone, but even by his very enemies; those excepted who had been the immediate Murtherers of his Royall Father, for they knew well their Crime to be to great to hope a Pardon, and therefore could not but dread the returne of him from whose Justice they could expect nothing less then an utter exterpation; all else (I say) wisht his return as much as those men fear’d it; for Sicilie had since that inhumane Murther so often chang’d not onely her Governours, but her Goverment also, as the People grew extreame weary of both; especially after the death of Ormisdas to whom I must be so just as to acknowledge, that though he gain’d his Dignity and Power by Tyranie, and usurpation, yet when once he was securely seated at the Helme of Goverment, Sicily enjoy’d under him a peacefull and quiet condition enough; but he being dead, there was nothing but an Anarchicall confusion thoroughout the whole Nation, and one Ruler pulling downe another; so as all men began to be more sensible then ever of their want of a King: tis true there had been severall attempts made by divers of Claromenes’s Friends in Ormisdas’s lifetime to place him on that throne the other so injuriously detain’d from him; but all their Designs were still discover’d by the treachery of some false Ones amongst them to Ormisdas, who by his Pollicy still found means to frustrate their good intentions so as they never came to any thing: But the ways of Providence are too obscure for Mortall eyes to look into, or for humane capacities to comprehend; for when all men even dispair’d of ever seeing any of Clearchus his Race sway the Sicilian Scepter, Heaven found out a way altogether unexpected, and almost miraculous to bring the Illustrious Claromenes back to his Kingdome, and place him on his Throne, without the spilling of one drop of blood to seat him there.

But to let your Majesty know how this was done how this was affected, I must tell you Madam (went on Arthenia). There was a Gentleman (nam’d Meltiades) that had been formerly an Officer in King Clearchus’s Armie who hapned to be taken Prisoner by the Enemy, and not being thought considerable enough for his quality to deserve a ransome, was enforced to undergoe a long imprisonment; but questionless [fol. 99 v ] had his true worth been but known to the King, he would have bought off Fetters at any rate: but at that time he appear’d but as an unpolish’d Diamond the true value whereof cannot be discern’d till{235} some cunning Artists hand has made a discovery of that excellency which was before conceal’d: and so did Time (the Touchstone of true worth) by Meltiades, even display in him such uncommon qualities, and gallant performances as rendred him deservedly deare both to the Great Claromenes and Sicily, for being the Instrumentall restorer of the one to his Crown, and the rescuer of the other from ruine and confusion.

Tis true he did for a while desert the Royall Party, but whether it were out of resentment [sentiment], or designe I cannot say, but I am apt to think the latter, since what he did, serv’d but to put him into the better capacity to serve his Prince the more successfully: for Ormisdas having been made acquainted with his Valour, and conduct, not onely set him at liberty, but conferred on him great Offices of Trust and at length made him chiefe Governour of Corsica.

But I am perswaded (continu’d Arthenia) all these preferments would ne’re have tempted him to have laid aside his Loyalty, could it any way have been serviceable to his Soveraign; for Clearchus then murther’d, and Prince Claromenes litle or no hopes left of regaining his lost Crowne, at least whilst Ormisdas liv’d; but death had no sooner remov’d him, but he began to lay a Designe which requir’d some time and much privesie to bring it to maturity. He had found by the intelligence he held in Sicily, how weary all men generally were of their Yoak and how much better they now thought it to have one King, then many Tyrants, and laying hold of the divisions, and ambition of Ormisdas’s successors he settled all things in Corsica in such a manner as might best conduce to the accomplishment of that which he had long before projected, and march’d back to Sicily (with a considerable Armie, of whose courages, and fidelities he was well assur’d) whether he had been some time before invited by those who retain’d the chiefest power there for their aide against another Party that opposed them: but upon his approach they disappear’d, and with much Joy was he wellcom’d to Palermo the Keys of the Gates deliver’d him, and the sole power put into his hands; which he might have made use of to exault himself to that Dignity Ormisdas arrived at: but he was not so ambitious of grandure, as desirous to approve himself a faithfull Subject, and counted it a much more gallant thing to restore a Crowne, then to weare one.

Presently after his coming to Palermo the old Senatours were dismist, and a new Senat chose; in which Election a perticuler care was taken by him that few or none should be chosen that might oppose his Design which in a short time after he brought to perfection: for when they were all assembled in the Senat house, he stood up in the midst of them, and made an Oration, wherein he so well to the life decipher’d the Crimes of those that preceded them in that Place, and the miseries and distractions [fol. 100 r ] they had both formerly and of late been Involv’d in; and withall so fully illustrated not onely the convenience, but necessity likewise of their being governed by a single person: whereupon inferring, that since the good, and welfare of their Country depended on their having a King, there was no reason but that they might with less reluctancy sweare{236} alleagiance to him who was born to command them, then to any of their Fellow subjects. What he had said, was so unanimously approv’d of, that without ever staying to deliberate on it, they instantly with a mutuall consent decreed to invite home their native Prince, and impale his Royall Temples with that Diadem which had been too long unjustly detained from him.

No sooner was this Decree sign’d, but my Mother who chanced to be then in Palermo, sent me word of it, well knowing how wellcome newes it would be to me; but scarce had I perus’d her letter ere I felt my heart touch’d with such a transport of Joy, as till then I never knew ought that resembled it; nor is it possible whilst my soule’s confin’d within this mortall Frame for it ever to be sensible of a more transcendent Joy, that excepted wherewith I was inspir’d, when in the restoration of my King I saw the accomplishment of all those fervent desires, passionate wishes, and most zealous Prayers that I so oft had offer’d to Heaven on his behalfe. Nor was I singuler in my rejoyceings, for so soon as ever this Decree of the Senate was publish’d there was nothing to be seen, or heard in all places, but signes of a generall, and universall Joy, which in an Instant had difused, and spread it selfe thorowout the wholle Kingdome. The night seem’d to vie splendor with the day, by reason of those innumerable Fires which (not onely in every City and Towne, but in each Country Village too) were made as it were to offer up one generall sacrifice of praise to Heaven for so unexpected a blessing.

Nothing now remain’d to compleat Sicilies satisfaction but the consummation of their desires in the Illustrious Claromenes, his returne which was daily expected: for being once resolv’d on in Senat, an order was instantly setled for his reception in such a manner as might befit his Majesty, and best express their dutyfull affections; and perticuler persons chosen to go in the humblest manner to implore his Pardon for all past Offences, and to invite him home; which invitation he accepted, and graciously consented to an Act of Grace and Pardon to all Offenders, of what nature, or quality soever their Crimes might be, such onely excepted who had dipt their murtherous hands in his Martyr’d Fathers blood.

He was at this time in Celtiberia (with the Princess Marina) whether daily repair’d many Persons of the highest quality in Sicily (in such crowds as that City could scarce containe them) to pay their earliest Tribute of veneration to their now acknowledg’d King, and to waite on his Royall person back to Sicily; where in a few days after he happily arriv’d, together with the two young Princes Issodates, and Hiperion, and safely landed at the Port of Taromenion [fol. 100 v ] where the generous Meltiades waited to receive him, and as he landed falling at his Feet which he bedew’d with teares of Joy tendred him there his Faith, and alleagiance; but scarce had he touch’d the earth with his knee, ere the Great Claromenes rais’d him up, and embraced him with all the demonstrations of a{237} most tender Amity, conferring on him the honoured title of Father; which ever after to his death he stil’d him.[2]

Thousands of People flock’d to the seaside to wellcome him on shore, congratulating his return with acclamations of Joy so loud as the very Aire far and nigh resounded with the ecchos of their shouts: for that day he repos’d himself in Taromenion, but early the next morning he took his Journey to Palermo where he was expected with impatient longings; yet how great soe’re they were, mine I am sure equall’d, if not exceeded the most passionate of their desires to see him, whom above all things on earth I had a thousand times wish’d to behold; and in such a manner were my thoughts taken up with my Countries approaching happiness, as sleep had scarce the power to close my eyes the night that preceded that so much long’d for day: and so early that morning did I rise, as I left the Sun in bed; though I knew t’was impossible till towards Noon for Claromenes to reach the place where I stood to waite his coming that I might have a view of him, though onely in transit, which was all I could hope to bless my eyes with at that time: but soe were all places (nay even the very high ways) throng’d with People who press’d so thick to get a sight of him, as t’was not possible for his Chariot to pass on, but at a very slow rate; so that it was past mid day ere he came by where I was: but Multitudes of gallant Gentlemen bravely mounted on their prancing Coursers did I see pass by, and many Chariots fill’d with the noblest personages in the Kingdome of both Sexes who deservedly enough merited a perticuler regard, yet then I counted them all so inconsiderable as I took litle notice of any of them.

At length appear’d Great Claromenes with his two Illustrious Brothers; and the Brave Meltiades to whom he gave the honour to ride with him in the same Chariot; but though my eyes were so intently fix’d on Claromenes as I minded not any of the rest, yet methought such Majestick Rayes darted from his Princely Brow as even dazled me so, as I could look on him no other ways then as One not of mortall extract, but rather too divine for humane race; which inspir’d me with so sacred a veneration for him that though his Chariot went on so slowly as I might have taken a full view of him, yet I scarce beheld him but by a glance, casting my eyes instantly to the ground as one abash’d: but however, I went home so well pleased as I can never hope an equall satisfaction, and he pursu’d his Journey, still meeting multitudes of People who loudly resounded his Wellcome, and their Iopeans[3] to Heaven for this so Joyfull day; nothing now being to be heard from all mouths but such expressions as these[:] Heaven preserve our King; long may he live. Accurs’d be all his Enemies: [A]nd all the way as he went to Palermo,{238} the high Wayes in the Country, and the streets in every Towne he came through were strew’d with Flowers and the Dores and Windows of each house adorn’d with [fol. 101 r ] Garlands, and Boughs of Laurell. He had not gone above a mile or two further, ere he quited his Chariot, and mounted his Horse; to the intent he might the better gratifie those that were desirous to see him, with the more perfect view of his Royall Person. Just at the enterance of Gela (which is a little Towne about foure miles distant from Palermo) he was met by four and twenty young Virgins all in White (resembling the purity, and innocency of their minds) curiously dress’t with Garlands of artificiall Roses which might have contended for beauty with those that Nature produces. These Virgins were preceded by a certain Grave Matron (that seem’d to be their Governess) who by a most eloquent Speech design’d for the purpose congratulated his return to his Kingdome, wishing him a long, and happie life, and a prosperous Reign: which with a grace proper to himselfe alone, having testifi’d his approbation of, he proceeded on his Journey, being Usher’d by those Ladies cleare thorough Gela, who going on, two and two before him, carried between them rich Baskets fill’d with the most oderifferous Flowers that crowns the Spring, wherewith they strew’d him all a long till they had brought him to the further side of the Towne, where with low obeasances they took their leaves in the humblest manner imaginable.

When he drew neere Palermo he was met a little without the Citty by Bonario[4] (the chiefe Magistrate thereof) and all the Officers of note belonging to the City in their distinct habits demonstrating their severall employments, attended by a Gallant Troop of young men of the chiefest Families in Palermo, all cloth’d alike, in a rich and gracefull manner. Soe soon as Bonario came up to the King, he resign’d him his sword, and Keys, which Claromenes instantly return’d him back, thereby confirming his Goverment to him. This Ceremony being over, Bonario march’d on Foot bare before him, being preceded by the rest in the same manner, till they had brought him to his Palace: on each side of him rode the two young Princes, and Meltiades just before him (to signify t’was he that brought him in) and after him follow’d all the Nobility, and Gentry that had waited on him from Celtiberia, as also those that had met him at Taromenion.

His enterance into Palermo was in all respects as magnificent as the shortness of the time they had to prepare for his reception would allow; but not being comparable to that state and grandure which was shewn at his Coronation, I shall in silence pass it by, and onely tell your Majesty (continu’d Arthenia) that being come to his Palace, it was observ’d by some who were neer him, that a Cloud of Sadness o’respread his Princely brow; which t’was believ’d the remembrance of that inhumane death his Illustrious Father suffer’d in that place, rais’d in him which silently testifi’d the tenderness of his nature that could in the midst of those Joys, and Tryumphs wherewith he was surrounded, forget his present{239} happiness to think on the misfortunes of the King his Father though divers years [fol. 101 v ] since past. The first thing he did after his return was to confirme that Act of Grace which he before had granted; after that he took into his Princely care the rectifying disorders in matters of Religion, reinstating the Flamines[5]and Arch Flamines in their former Dignity, confirming to them those priviledges, and perogatives they had enjoy’d in the days of his Predecessors; leaving it to them to take care for the reedifying of those Temples which had in the late troubles been dimollish’d, and for the beautifying of those that were left standing (none whereof but had sufficently felt the injuries and abuses of the Prophane) that Piety might once more appeare in a splendor bright enough to amaze (if not confound) with the glory of it, all those whom with its beauty it could not atract.

But now your Majesty shall see Divine Vengeance appeare in a most formidable manner to revenge the cruell cruell murther of the best of Kings; which being many years since t’was done, it seemed to some as if Heaven had forgot to call the Acters of it to an account for so execrable a Fact: but though it suffer’d some of the chiefest, (as Ormisdas, Brataldo, and Irvistus)[6] to go to their Graves in peace, yet it let them not rest long in quiet there: for the bodies of those three men were by the Decree of Claromenes and the Senat, torne out of those stately Monuments which had been set up to perpetuate their memories to after Ages, and drag’d on the Ground from the place of their Interment, to that Place where all notorious Mallefactors were executed; where on a Gibet they were hang’d up for three dayes space, to be expos’d to the view of all beholders; which time expir’d they were taken downe and throwne into a hole made on purpose larg enough to containe their wretched Carkasses.

Soe strange a Destiny as this none could imagine would ever have attended Ormisdas that had seen his Obsequies cellibrated with such Pompe and state, as it not only equall’d, but far exceeded the Funurall solemnities of any Monarch that ever reign’d in Sicilie. The rest of those Regicides that were living as many of them as could be taken (for severall of them were escap’d away out of the Kingdome, preferring an eternall exile, before a shamefull death which they could not but expect) were brought to the Barre of Justice; where after a Legall Tryall, being convicted of Treason, Murther, and Rebellion, they were condemn’d, and sentenced to be drawne from their Prisons in the most ignominious manner imaginable, to the Place where they were to suffer death; after which, their heads were to be sever’d from their bodies, which were to be cut in pieces, their Intrales to be burnt, and their heads together with the severall pieces of their bodies to be{240} fix’d on the foure principall Gates of Palermo, there to continue for a terrour to all such as might be inclined to practice the like Crimes.

This signall piece of Justice being performed, nothing more remain’d to render Sicily compleatly happie but to see their Soveraigns head deck’d with his triple Diadem, which he had refused to put on till he had in some degree aveng’d his Dread Fathers death on those who had so barbarously destroy’d him; but now that being done, all possible preparation [fol. 102 r ] was made to enthrone him with all the grandure that magnificence could give, or Art devize. All the Nobility, and persons of quality in the Kingdom had left their Rurall Seats, to come and be spectators of his Tryumphall passage thorow Palermo to his Coronation, the Citizens whereof not difficent [deficient] in any thing that might illustrate their Loyall affection to his Royall Person, by the entertainments they prepared him; which to give your Majesty an exact account of in each perticuler (continu’d Arthenia) is more then I am able; but as far as my memory will give me leave, I shall endevour to relate it as neer as I can without adding to or detracting from it.

[Blank line left in the manuscript]

The Morning of that Glorious Day very early went Claromenes privatly to the Cittadell (which stands a litle without Palermo) whether repair’d all those that were appointed, or had of themselves design’d to attend him thence: and in this manner was he conducted along.[7] First march’d on Prince Issodates’s Guard follow’d by the Kings meniall servants; next after them rode all the Nobles glittering in all the height of bravery that Gold or Jewells could give; these were succeeded by the chiefe Ministers of state, after whom follow’d Prince Issodates by himself alone, and after him came the two great Officers of the Court (whose titles I have forgot) the one of them bearing the Crown, and the other the Scepter; the next that follow’d was Cleomedon (a Prince of the blood) bearing the sword; after whom came the most Illustrious Claromenes on as stately a Horse as ever Sparta bred, who seem’d to trample on the earth he trod with scorn, as being proud he was destin’d to so noble a use, his Trapings sutable, being couer’d to the ground with a Crimson Velvet Cloth most richly embroidred with Pearls and Diamonds; a gallant Traine of Gentlemen sumptiously habited, in an equipage sutable to the grandure of the day, follow’d him, and last of all came Claromenes’s owne Guard led by the Generous Meltiades who had been created Prince of Tarentum, and Generall of all the Souldiers that were at present in pay, or might hereafter be rais’d.

But perhaps your Majesty may wonder Hyperion appear’d not in the solemnity of this great day, but alass poor Prince he liv’d not to be either an assistant at, nor spectator of it for he died soon after his returne to Sicily in the prime{241} and flower of his youth much lamented by all, but especially by the King his Brother to whom he was most deservedly deare.[8]

But to returne from whence I digress’d (said Arthenia) I must tell you Madam that all the streets thorough which his Majesty pass’d were hung on each side with Cloth of Arras, and rail’d on both sides; within which Railes stood the chiefe Cittizens in their ranks according to their severall qualities and degrees, to keep the common People from rudely pressing to neer him; which they might have been apt to do, had they not been hindred. [fol. 102 v ] And though Palermo could not equall the ancient Romanes, who were wont to honour those who brought home Victory, or acquir’d new Conquests for the enlargment of their Dominions, with erecting Arches of Marble for their Tryumphall returns, yet did they strive to imitate them in those which they set up which for number and largness as farre exceeded them, as they excell’d these in richness of materialls.

No sooner was his Majesty enter’d within the City, but he was saluted by a Consort of Wind Musick; and not farre off stood the first Tryumphall Arch, on the one hand whereof, on the foreside of it, on a Pedestall was placed a Woman personating Rebellion mounted on that many headed Beast call’d Hydra; and clothed in a Crimson Robe torn, with Snakes creeping about her, and her Wast girt round with Serpents, and on her head Tresses of Serpents insteed of haire, and crown’d with a Diademe of Fire: in one hand she grasp’d a sword besmear’d with blood, and in the other she held an Inchanting Rod.[9]

She was attended by Confussion in a terrible shape, cloth’d in a Garment of disagreeable Colours, and put on the wrong way; in her hands she bare torne{242} Crownes, and broken Scepters, and on her head the Ruines of Cities. On the other hand of the Arch on a like Pedestall stood another Woman representing Monarchy, upheld by another presenting Loyalty. Monarchy was in a Purple Robe embroidred with Crowns, and Scepters; over which was a Mantle loosly cast, edg’d with a Seagreen and silver Frieng [fringe], and on it Sicilia painted, on her head the City Palermo, in her right hand Bastia, and in her left, Calaris, which were the principall Cities in those three Islands over which Claromenes extended his Soveraignity. Loyalty was cloth’d all in White, and in her right hand she held three Crownes, and in her left three Scepters.

Over their heads was admirably represented in Painting, a Prospect of Claromenes’s landing at Taromenion, with ships riding at Anchore, and a Man, like Meltiades kneeling and kissing his hand; on each side Troops of souldiers, and multitudes of People looking on: upon the other side (opposite to it) was drawn on another Tablet severall heads of men newly cut from their bodies and over it writ in Capitall Letters this Motto

Heavens Vengeance Traitors close pursues.

Intimating the Justice executed on Clearchus’s Murtherers. And over the midle of the Arch was painted in another large Tablet the Portracture of Claromenes himselfe, with Usurpation flying before him; which was express’d by a certaine deformed Beast with many ugly heads, some big, some litle; and one by it selfe growing out of its shoulder resembling Ormisdas; and underneath the mouth of Hell gaping to receive it. Above this were placed the Statues of Ismenas, and Clearchus; and a litle higher between them [fol. 103 r ] the Kings, under which in Gold was writ these Words.

Claromenes King of Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia
The best and Greatest of Princes
The extinguisher of Tyranie
The restorer of our Liberty
The Setler of our quiet
And the establisher of our Felicity
Who is not onely worthy to command
These Islands, but the whole World

Behind his Statue in a larg Table was delineated that Tree[10] which with its spreading Branches once lent him a favourable shelter from the eyes of his pursuers after his overthrow by Ormisdas; which insteed of fruit was laden with Crowns and Scepters, as a recompense for that benefit it afforded him.

On the other side of the Arch was prefigur’d Bonario presenting the Keys of Palermo to Claromenes; and in four Niches were placed as many Female Figures.{243} The first had on her shield a Globe painted, with the Sun rising on it, and Bats and Owls (those Birds of night) flying to the shaddow. The second had on hers a swarme of Bees wheting their stings, the third, an Arme appearing out of the Clouds, and in the hand an unsheath’d Sword. The fourth, on hers a Mountain burning, with Cities, and Vineyards ruin’d. The Musick of this structure was wholly warlike, compos’d of Drumes, and Trumpets, placed on two Balconies within the Arch; which upon his Majesties approach beat the one a Battell, and the other sounded a Charge, whereupon Rebellion ris up (at which they both ceas’d) and address’d herselfe to him in this manner.

Rebellions Speech

Stand, stand who e’re you are; and know before you further pass; this stage is mine, on which I do forbid you enterance; even I, who am to Kings and Monarchy a Foe ne’re to be reconsil’d. But if yet you know me not, I’le tell you further who I am that dare presume to bid you stand, even in the midst [fol. 103 v ] of all your Tryumphs, and in your Regall City too. Know then, that I am Hells First born; and at my birth the Powers of Darkness smil’d, while my Joy’d Father unhing’d the Poles and shook the fixed Earth with ecchoing my name. Rebellion shalt thou be call’d (said he) and by my aide, both Kings and Princes shalt thou overcome, and trample on their conquer’d Diadems: there’s no Succession though of ne’re so long a date, nor Right, how Just soever which thou shalt not subdue, by Popular assistance. But if you further aske what Interest I pretend too in this Place; I must tell you, all Great Citys are my spheare to move in; where by my Sorcery I fill mens heads with wild C[h]ymeras, and Dreames of Anarchy, and force the Vulgar in tumultuous Swarmes to Court a civill Warre. In fine, t’was I that by intestine strife engag’d your Kingdoms in unnaturall broiles; and hope I shall at last with displai’d Ensignes march and tread downe Monarchy throughout the World.

At which espying Monarchy and Loyalty, she started as one affrighted, but recollecting herself again proceeded.

Ah Sicilie (Monarchick Isle) standst thou tryumphant there, are thy Wounds whole again, and on thy Cheeks fresh smiles: is Joy return’d to these late mournfull Isles, ah now I do begin to shake with horrid Feare, since Claromenes in despight of me, and all my Fathers power must enter and a King be Crown’d: his rise, too well I see must be my fall, and I must now pack hence to Hell, from whence I came.

At which Monarchy taking the word spake thus

Monarchys Speech

To Hell foule Hag and hide thee there in everlasting night. Now Royall Sir you may securely pass, and march in tryumph through the joyfull Streets. Enter our Life (I say) our Comfort, and our Sun; and with your Glorious beames revive your People,{244} who will henceforth onely contend who shall in Loyalty surpass each other: May your great actions, and immortall Name be writ in Fames eternall Book for future Ages to admire; and may both you and your Posterity be crown’d with Palmes and Laurell, enjoying a perpetuall Peace; that all men may acknowledge, whilst they great sir are blest in you, that of all Goverments that be, none can compare with mine.

She having done the Drums and Trumpets again entertain him whilst he pass’d through the Arch; but not much further had he advanced ere he was met by a Youth in Indian habit (attended by two Negroes) who on his knee bespake his expectation in these words

[fol.104 r ] I do beseech you Royall sir one minute stay. See where an Indian comes bringing with him a Caravan full fraight with perfect Loyalty, and thanks to pay as your due Tribute. Wherat drew neer another Youth (in the like garbe) mounted on a Camell (led by two Negroes more) laden with Jewells, and Spices to be scatter’d amongst the Spectators; who in these words made his Address.

The Mores Speech

Pearles, Diamonds, Rubies, Saphires Emraulds, and the best of Aromaticks, you glorious Trifles of the East avant; we are rich enough in our compleated Joys. Your Sacred Person Sir has brought us home more wealth then Tagus shore affords; the riches of both Indies are but mean, compar’d with what you bring. Nor can we doubt to see this Realm, the Magazine of all that’s rich or great and your Imperiall Title be indeed, what other Crowns boast but in name: which Heaven grant, and that we ne’re may see the Sun set on that Diadem you are going to assume, nor any Cloud arise to eclips, or darken the splendor of your Majesty.

He having ended, the King again pass’d on to the midst of the next street, where was erected the second Arch; on the foreside whereof stood a man personating Neptune, in a loose Garment of Blew and White, waved like the Sea; and over it a Mantle like a Saile; his Head Crown’d with Flages like long haire falling on his shoulders, his Beard (seagreen and white) long and curl’d, a Trident in his right hand, and in his Left, the Modell of a Ship, and besides him an Urne, out of which flow’d water. And on the Front of the Arch, in a Shield was this Inscription

Sicilias Neptune,
The great Commander of the Sea.

Above it were placed foure statues representing the foure quartiers of the World; and within the Arch in Foure Niches were placed a like number of Woemen, by whom were represented Arithmetick, Geometry, Astronomy, and Navigation. On her Vesture, by whom Arithmetick was design’d, were Lines drawn with Musick [fol. 104 v ]{245} Notes on them, and in her Banner a Book open, with a hand pointing to certain Figures. Geometry had a Green Mantle cast about her, and in her Banner a pare of Compasses, and a Triangle. Astronomy was in a loose Robe of a Skycolour, set thick with Stars of Gold, and in her Banner a Table whereon was drawne divers Astronomicall Figures. Navigation was in a seagreen Garment, and in her Banner she bare an Anchore with a Cable wound about it. The Musick of this Arch were Wind Instruments, which plai’d incessantly till his Majesty drew nigh; but then stoping, Neptune spake to him thus.

Neptunes Address

The Moon (Dread Sir) has oft her silver Cressents fill’d since to Sicilian Shores I wafted you; when mounted on a Billow I then strove to bid you wellcome: but on the Land were Joys So loud, as hindred me from being heard; but now; above my highest bounds I have rear’d my head to say, what could not then reach to your Sacred Eare. Haile Mighty Prince (pursu’d he with a low obeasance) whose puissant hand commands the Ocean. This City (which I serve with neighbouring Flouds) did long lament your absence, but now with Joys rais’d to a perfect height, wellcoms with me your bles’t returne; by which she is possest of all the wealth remotest Lands afford. You are Neptunes Neptune Sir, and my Dominions are but your Highway to severall Nations, who though they boast their strength on Land, yet you alone command the Watery World: which that you ever may, is Neptunes wish.

He having ended, the Musick plai’d on again whilst Claromenes pass’d through; the Fountains all the while in every street flowing with Wine insteed of Water.

By the next Arch was design’d the Temple of Concord, on the Front whereof was Inscrib’d in Golden Characters these words.[fol. 105 r ]

In honour of the best of Princes
is once more return’d to Sicily,
in hope,
She shall no more be banish’d thence

On each side were placed a Figure, one whereof represented Peace, and the other Truth. The first had on her Shield, a Helmet, with Bees going in and out, the Motto whereof was. Peace is the Child of War. Truth bare on her Shield, Time bringing Truth out of a Cave; her Motto was Brought to Light. Above them stood Foure Figures more representing the Four chiefe Vertues, Prudence, Justice, Tem[p]erance and Fortitude. Prudence bare on her shield, Bellerophon mounted on a Pegasus, runing a Iavelin into the mouth of a Chymera, her Motto, By Councell and virtue. Justice had on hers, a Woman holding a Sword in one hand, and a Ballance in the other, her Motto was, Perform’d aright. Temperance had on her shield a Viol, and a Bridle; her Motto ^said Arthenia^ I have forgot: and on Fortitudes shield{246} was drawn a Lion holding in his Paw the Armes of Sicilie, his Motto was Faithfull to my charge. The inward part of the Temple was round, darke at the Top, but made resplendent by artificiall Lights. The lower part was divided into ten equall parts by gilded Pilasters, and beautifi’d by twelve living Figures, three whereof were seated higher then the rest. The first, being the Goddess of the Temple, was in a very rich dress, in her hand she held a Caduceus, and at her Feet lay a Serpent which she trod upon. The second was Truth, drest exceeding richly too, bearing in her hand a Banner in which was painted a Book open, fastned by a Chain to a Cloud, and underneath a Fury plucking at the end of the Chaine, about the Banner was writ this Motto Nothing’s so strong a[s] Truth. The third Love, no less costly in her habit, and on her Banner was drawn a Cupid with Roses in one hand, and a Fish in the other, and writ round it. Sweet but Fliting. A most harmonious Consort of Lutes compleated this Tryumph playing without ceasing (such soft and delicate strains as might have contended with the melody of Amphions Harp wherewith he charm’d both irrationall and senseless Creatures) till such time as the great Claromenes was enter’d the Temple; at which time, Concord, Love, and Truth who till that [fol. 105 v ] instant had not appear’d by the drawing of a Curtain discover’d them selves; entertaining him with a song, the words whereof (if I remember) were these.


Comes not here the King of Peace:
Who the Stars so long foretold,

From all Woes should us release,
Converting Iron times to Gold.


Behold, Behold;

Our Prince confirm’d by Heavenly signes
Brings healing Balme, and Anodines,
To close our Wounds, and pain asswage.


He comes with conquering Bays and Palme
Where swelling Billows us’d to rage:

Gliding on a Silver Calme:
Proud Interest now no more engage.


Let these Arched Roofes resound,
Joyning Instruments and voice,

To fright pale Spirits under Ground
But let Heaven and Earth rejoyce,

We our happiness have found;

He thus marching to be Crown’d,

Attended with this Glorious Traine,{247}
From civill Broiles
Shall free these Isles,

Whilst he and his Posterity shall reigne.

This song ended, Concord herself alone spak to him thus.

Concords Address.

Wellcome Great Sir unto my Fane [Shrine] which your returne has reedifi’d [fol. 106 r ] and rear’d my Structure to so high a pitch, as the lofty Turrits seeme to touch the Sky. Wild Tumult, and rude War (my greatest Foes) you have imprison’d within Ianus Gates; oh may they there remaine forever, and no more break forth to interrupt the quiet of your dayes, or my repose; may all dissensions henceforth cease, Peace crown your Life, and Prosperity wait always on your Throne; and may your Felicity transcend all that the most happie Monarchs ever knew; all this and more Royall Sir is Concords wish.

She having with a low reverence finish’d her Address, he pass’d on to the last Tryumphall Arch; which represented the Garden of Plenty: over the Gate whereof on the south enterance was Bacchus setting in a Chariot, drawn by Leopards, with a Panthers skin thrown about him like a Mantle, his head crown’d with Bunches of Red, White, and Black Grapes mix’d; a Bough of Ivy in one hand, and in the other a cup; and over his head was painted Silenus, on an Ass, with Satyres dancing about him in drunken, and Antick postures; and before him the Prospect of a Vineyard. On the Northside was Ceres, drawn in a Chariot by winged Dragons, and crown’d with Eares of Corne; in one hand she held a Bunch of Popie, and in the other a lighted Torch, and above her was painted a discription of Harvest. On the Westside was placed Flora, in a Gound as various for colour as Iriss gaudy Bow; in one hand she held Red and White Roses, and in the other Lilies, and on her Head she wore a Garland of severall other Flowers; over her was painted a Garden, with Walks, Statues, Fountaines, Flowers, and Figures of Men and Woemen walking up an[d] downe in it. On the East side was to be seen the Goddess Pomona with a Garland of Fruite on her Head; in her right hand she held the Sun, and in her left a Wand, and at her Feet all sorts of Grassing and Gardning Tooles; and above her was drawn an Orcha[r]d.

At the foure Corners of the Arch were placed the foure seasons of the yeare; and in Foure Niches stood as many Figures representing the Foure Winds. Eurus was prefigured by a Blackmore with black Wings, his Emblem the sun rising, and a faire plain Country. Boreas had instead of Feet, two serpents Tailes, his Wings cover’d with Snow; his Emblem a Rocky mountainous Country, and the Pleades rising over it. Auster was in a dark colour’d Mantle, with Winges like Clouds; his Emblem a cloudy Sky, and Showers. Zephyrus like a Cupid with Wings; his Emblem a flowry Plain. At a litle distance before this Structure was erected two Stages, planted and adorn’d like Gardens; on one of which sate a{248} woman personating Plenty, with a Garland of Flowers on her head, and drest in a green vesture embroidred with Gold, holding in her hand a Cornucopiae; on each side of her a [fol. 106 v ] Virgin as her Attendants, who upon his Majesties approach arose, and address’t herselfe to him thus.

Plenty’s Address.

That Starre which at your Birth (Great Sir) did with his Beames at Noon, at once create both Joy and Wonder in the hearts of all; with its auspitious Lustre then heirforetold the glittering Plenty of this Golden Age: The Clouds being now blowne o’re which did so long our Joyes ecclips, and the sad Winter of your absence past, see Sir how all the Seasons of the yeare agree at once to bid you wellcome. Flora comes here to tender her due Homage, and to strow your Way with her enamel’d Treasure; Ceres, and Pomona too, most liberally diffuse their bounty over all their your Land; and Bacchus is so free of what is his, that Wine flowes now where Water onely ran before. Thus Seasons, Men, and Gods do testify their Joys to see Great Claromenes Tryumphs, and Sicilias happiness.

But to cleare one thing to your Majesty (continu’d Arthenia) which Plenty mentions concerning a star, I must tell you Madam; that at the birth of Claromenes there was a starre seen at midday, which by thousands of spectators was beheld, who with admiring eyes stood gazing on it, which questionless was that she meant. But to proceed (pursu’d she) so soon as Plenty finish’d her Address, the King went on to the Temple of Ceres, which was the place where all his Predecessors assum’d their Diadems; and there was his put on upon his princely head by the ArchFlamine with all the Ceremonies due to such a solemnity, which being done, he return’d to his Pallace where in, a most magnificent manner he treated all the Princes, and Nobles of his Realme; where I will leave him to the enjoyment of a happy repose after all those afflictions his Youth had been so burdned with, as a courage less sublime must inevitably have sunk under a pressure so weighty, and returne to my owne affaires.

But perceiving the Evening approach she told Ermilia that if she pleas’d, she would reserve them to the next day, because t’was now late, and she fear’d she had already tyr’d her patience; to which the Queen repli’d; she had receiv’d too much satisfaction by what she had related to be wearyed with it: but however since t’was probable (she said) that which was yet remaining might extend to a considerable length she was willing to defer Arthenias trouble, and protract her owne satisfaction [fol. 107 r ] till the next Afternoon.

Then turning to Gentillus she told him he might then (if he pleas’d) content his curiosity (which she believ’d equall’d her owne) with hearing that which was to insue: upon which he took his leave of the Queen, and bid ad^i^ue to Arthenia with thankes for the trouble which at his request she had taken upon her, and went away no less satisfi’d then desirous to know the conclusion of that, whereof the begining had been to him so pleasing. He being gone, Ermilia gave{249} command her Chariot should be made ready against such time as she had sup’d, designing to take the Aire, the pleasantness of the Evening inviting her abroad; but she took only Amena and Praxentia (two of her Ladies) with her. No sooner was the Queen gone, but Celia and Arthenia got them to their Chamber alone, whether being come, Arthenia desir’d her Companion to oblige her with the remainder of Artabellas Story; which after she had given order to her Maid to give her notice of the Queens returne, and bethought herself where about she left off, she in these words again pursu’d it.


  1. The word “Epithite” is amended with “ite” underlined for deletion and “at” inserted. 
  2. Charles II, accompanied by his brothers, James (Issodates) and Henry (Hiperion), was greeted by General George Monck (Meltiades). Charles addressed Monck as “Father,” echoing the title given to Miltiades, the Athenian general victorious over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. 
  3. Io-paeons are Latin interjections of joy. 
  4. In 1660, Sir Richard Browne was Lord Mayor of London. 
  5. The terms flamines and arch flamines refer to priests devoted to the service of a particular deity and here are used specifically for bishops and archbishops. 
  6. John Bradshaw (Brataldo) was president of the court that sentenced Charles I to death. Henry Ireton (Irvista) was a parliamentary general and Cromwell’s son-in-law. Both were posthumously executed along with Cromwell (Ormisdas), and their heads were placed on gates. 
  7. Charles II proceeded from the Tower, through the City to Whitehall, and a series of triumphal arches marked this route. 
  8. Prince Henry died of smallpox after returning to England. 
  9. Many records of this royal progress survive, and so it is difficult to tell if the author of Rivall Friendship wrote from personal notes or consulted one of the many editions of John Ogilby. The description given in Rivall Friendship seems quite close to the 1661 edition of John Ogilby’s The Relation of His Majesties Entertainment Pasing through the City of London To His Coronation: With A Description of the Triumphal Arches, and Solemnity (London: Printed by Tho. Roycroft, for Rich. Marriott in St. Dunstan’s Church-Yard in Fleet Street, 1661), the Huntington Library copy of RB 0181.140001. The 1661 edition, for example, lists the following details: REBELLION, mounted on a Hydra, in a Crimson Robe, torn, Snakes crawling on her Habit, and begirt with Serpents, her Hair Snaky, a Crown of Fire on her Head, a bloody Sword in one Hand, a charming Rod in the other. Her Attendant CONFUSION, in a Deformed Shape, a Garment of several ill-matched Colours, and put on the wrong way; on her Head, Ruines of Castles, torn Crowns, and broken Scepters in each Hand. The far more elaborate edition of 1662, entitled The Entertainment of His Most Excellent Majestie Charles II in His Passage throughout the City of London to his Coronation, ed. Ronald Knowles (MRTS, now ACMRS Press) which includes a history of triumphal arches, classical and contemporary verse, and elaborate descriptions of rivers, does not seem to figure as a source for Rivall Friendship. 
  10. For the story of the Royal Oak, See Book 6, n. 23, page 189.


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Rivall Friendship by Bridget Manningham Copyright © 2021 by Arizona Board of Regents for Arizona State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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