
{Print edition page number: 111}

Rivall Friendship


The Third Book

I will not question your memory so much, said Celia to the Unknown [Arthenia], as to repeat ought that I have already declar’d; onely mind you Madam that we left Artabella in the Castle of Shiras, and Diomed imprison’d in Issedon. No sooner had Achemenesheard the unhappy tydings of his being taken Prisoner, but he dispatch’d away a Messenger to Oruntusto make him an offer of all those Prisoners he had in his power together with Cydarius, in exchange for Diomed: but so far was he from hearkning to that proposall, that he return’d him answer. That if the Gods had bless’d him with a Son, and that Son had bin [fol. 40 r] in Cydarius’s condition, he would rather chuse to let him continue in it, then loose the satisfaction of being reveng’d on Diomed; nor should half his Empier (would he give it) pay his ransome, nor all the Forces of it rescue him from a death then which nothing could be more certaine.

Divers there present, whom Cydarius’s vertues had made his Friends (especially the Princess Clazomena) were very much concern’d at Oruntus his cruell determination; because there was no other way of possibility for him to be set at liberty: knowing full well they were not in a condition to free him by force: and since their King so slighted the King of Persias proffer, they had all the reason in the World to believe, Cydarius’s life would depend on Diomeds Fate. For by the Law of Justice they could expect no other then that the same rigour wherewith he was us’d, Cydarius would be treated. These considerations mov’d them to sue to Oruntus to accept Achemenes his Proposition; representing how prejudiciall ^to him^ it might prove to sacrifice himself and kingdome to the fury of a powerfull and enraged enemy, from whom he must never hope any reconsiliation if he should proceed th to take away the life of a person whom he had shewen so great a Concerne for, as to take a perticuler care for him. But so displeasing was this advice to Oruntus that he commanded them not to speake one word more touching Diomeds release, or in his behalf: and remaining obstinatly unalterable in his resolution, he dismist the Messenger with an absolute deniall; who returning to Achemenes gave him an account of his fruitless embassie: which he having with impatience heard, he sent out his sommons into all parts of his mightie Empier for the raising such numerous multitudes of men as had been suffic^i^ent to make a conquest of the World; then what could Scythia now expect being in so declining a condition. This galant Armie which was composed out of all the Provinces of his Kingdome, being of Susianians 12000, of Margianians 20000, of Bactrians 10000, of Carmanians 30000, of Persians properly so call’d 40000:{112} he resolv’d in person to command; leaving Oriana to governe as Regent in his absence; of whose wisdome he was so well assur’d that he would joyne no other with her, but left her absolute in her power.

You must know Madam, said Celia, the Persians worship the Fire with the greatest devotion of any of those Gods they adore; for in the time of peace in the Temple of the Sun whom they stile Orosmades they daily offer a perticuler sacrifice to it, and carry it with them in the Warres (if the King be their in person) as their tutuler Deity; at which time tis carried before them in the Front of the Armie, attended by their Priests, and follow’d by a Traine of Boys, in number 365, all cloth’d in [fol. 40 v ] Scarlet: and in this equipage Achemenes march’d on towards Scythia; vowing if they took away the life of Diomed to speak his griefe in bloudy accents, and write his revenge in Crimson Charactars, where we will leave him for a while and returne to Issedon.

Many, though vain were the attempts of the Persians to set their Generall free; but neither pollicie, nor strength could effect it: for Oruntus sent them word that when ever they should go about to storme the Citty, the head of Diomed should be immediatly struck off in their sight, and tumbled to them over the Wall; nay further, he threatned them, that if in three days space they did not raise their siege, he should be torne a pieces with foure Horses. This threatning of Oruntus as it assur’d them his condition was almost desperate, so it fill’d them with a feare that the Tyrant would make use of his power whilst it lasted, to act his revenge, though it could be of little availe to him; and so distracted were they between various resolutions that they knew not which to pitch upon. For they thought if they should continue the siege, they might thereby be accessary to Diomeds death; and in case they rais’d it they had no assurance he should live, so that what to do they knew not. But whilst they were in this dubious condition not knowing what to resolve, there came one from Cydarius with a letter to Oruntus in the behalf of Diomed, desiring leave of Barsanes that he might be permitted to carry it to the King: there was no question but this request was granted assoon as ask’d, and the Messenger dispatch’d away with speed, and till his returne they would conclude of nothing. This letter being presented to Oruntus, he found it contain’d these words.

Cydarius to his Soveraign the great Oruntus

The generous treatment I receiv’d from Diomed when Fortune put me in his power, and the experience of his Heroique and noble disposition, constraines me to become his Advocate to your Majesty, and present you this Humble Petition ^in the behalfe^ of a person to whom I am indebted for my life, and perhaps had bin so for my liberty ere this, had he not been confin’d in his owne. Therefore I most humbly beseech your Majesty to spare his life since he has no otherways disoblig’d you then by faithfully discharging the trust imposed on him by that King he serves. But if Sir you object the death of our late King your royall Brother, and say that it would be injustice to spare the life of him [fol. 41 r ] that took away his, I confess{113} my resentments [sentiments] fall little short of yours when I reflect upon that loss: but on the other side when I consider, he slew him not basely, or treacherously; but that Octimasdes assail’d him with an intention to give him death if Fortune had been propitious to him, I must impute that disaster rather to Destiny that had so decreed it, then account it as a crime in Diomed worthy so severe a revenge as I am enform’d you designe to take on him: then do not Sir for your owne sake so farre provoke the Gods to punish us, (who are I feare already but too much incen’st against us) for a thing so cruell as that which you intend against that Gallant man, that lyes at your mercy; whom did you but know, I am perswaded you would rather esteeme then hate. Besides Sir, consider you do not onely sacrifice an enemy, but a loyall Subject to your revenge: for to be sure I must inevitably suffer the like severity from the King of Persia as you inflict on him: and if a Subject can merit ought from his Soveraign, I would say I have deserv’d not to be given up to destruction when tis in your power to preserve me from it. But if this Liberty I take great Sir displeases you, it is neerness of blood which encourages me to assume a greater freedome then perhaps your Majesty would excuse in another; not that I ground my presumption so much on that neither, as on the favour ^wherewith^ you have been hitherto pleas’d to honour


But Oruntus as little regarded this as he did the Petitions of others which not long before had on the same score su’d to him; for haveing perused Cydarius’s letter he tore it in pieces before the Face of him that brought it, biding him tell him that sent it, he ought to have known his humour better then to believe his resolutions were to be altered by importunity, or any consideration whatsoever. This was all the Answere he could get, and with this he return’d: Whereupon a Councell was again assembled to consult what to doe: the greater part were of an opinion the siege ought to be continu’d; for as they said, if Oruntus could bring them to that which he demanded, he might as well afterwards enjoyne them to relinquish their conquests and depart out of his Dominions. But on the other side Phasellus and some of them by whom Diomed was most esteem’d (among whom Barsarnes was one) advised for a while to withdraw their Forces, till they might find some [fol. 41 v ] meanes or opportunity to get Diomed out of the enemies power, alleidging it could be no great disadvantage to their affaires, considering to how low a condition Oruntus was reduced.

But whether Party would have prevail’d (said Celia), I know not; the dispute being ended by a rumour which was on a sudden spread thorow all the Campe of two men being taken wearing Scythian colours as they ^were^ passing the Watch which was but newly set, who without any resistance yeelded themselves, desiring to be carried to the Generalls Tent; which was the place where the chiefe Officers of the Armie were set in Councell: whether being brought, and admitted in, the one of them pulling off his Casque quickly made himself known to be Diomed; which sight they were so much surpriz’d at, that they knew not whether they might credit their eyes or no: but being confirm’d by his voice that it was{114} really him they beheld, I cannot tell (said Celia) which was greatest their Joy, or their astonishment at his escape. Phasellus was the first that ran to receive him with open Armes, wherein he kept him so long lock’d in close embraces as the others thought he intended to ingross him wholy to himself: but assoon as he had (though unwillingly) got loose from his Deare Phasellus’s armes, where he could much rather have stay’d forever; he turn’d to Barsarnes who came with Joy to give up his Commission.

The Heavens can witness for me Sir (said he) that I resign my power with as great a satisfaction as I receiv’d it with griefe; and as I am beyond measure glad to see you here again in a condition to make use of it, so not any thing ever ^was^ so great a trouble to me, as that I could not serve you any otherways then in desire, nor act nothing towards the regaining your liberty, though none more passionatly wish’d it then my selfe.

I have ever found you so truly generous (repli’d Diomed) and somuch my Friend, that I have not the least reason to question the truth of what you protest; but if you esteeme my freedome a benefit worthy the acknowledging, give this Gentleman thankes (added he pointing to him that came with him) to whom I shall ever owne my self redevable [obligated] as to the chiefe Instrument of my preservation and escape; which how it was effected I must referre you to him, since he can much better enforme then my self.

Diomed having declar’d his obligation to this Stranger, they all carress’d him with abundance of kindness, expressing their thankfullness to him in such a manner as made him know the great concerne they all had in their Generalls safty. There was not a person there but would willingly have known the manner of his escape, had it been seasonable then to request it; but when they consider’d from what place Diomed so lately came, where it was likely he had not been very well accommodated with any thing tough touching his repose, they silenced their desires and waited on him to his Tent, where they left him with Phasellus (who alwayes was his Bedfellow as well in War as Peace) and return’d to Phileno (for so was he call’d that came along [fol. 42 r ] with Diomed) to whom Barsarnes (as well to satisfie his owne curiosity, as to oblige those that were with him) made it his request to let them understand the manner of Diomeds escape; which desire of his being known to Phileno, in these words he gave him the relation of it.

I have Sir (said he addressing his speech to Barsarnes) the honour to belong to Clazomena Daughter and Heire to Oruntus, heaven having bless’d him with no th other Child. A Princess she is, so richly blest with all the gifts of Nature, that none could ever boast a larger share: nor ^are^ has the beauties of her mind less to be admired then her outward perfections; and of a nature so compassionate that it has bin the wonder of many besides my selfe, that such Clemency and goodness should be in ^the Daughter of^ a Father so severe and rigid. This mercyfull disposition of hers, set her on work to save the life of a person, who though her enemy, she could not but admire. But though her generosity would have incited her to do much on his behalf, yet she must pardon me if I believe she{115} had some other inducement to invite her to what she did, more then barely the score of gallantry, or pity: for in what she has done, she has expos’d her owne life to the hazard of her Fathers fury, which is like enough to be fatall to her if ever it be known to him. But whatever it was that incited her to it; she had no sooner resolv’d to free Diomed but she acquainted me with her designe, conjuring me by all the power she had over me to assist her in it. I must confess I was at first a little startled at her intention, as knowing the hazard she might run thereby, and the difficulty I found to get that done which she enjoyn’d me (but I may with truth averre my owne life was the least of my cares) however, knowing it was my duty to obey, and not dispute, I waved all opposing Considerations, and bent my mind to study how to performe my Princesses command, which I thus effected. Iros to whose custody he was committed, knowing the interest I had with the Princess above any of her other servants, never question’d me what my business was with Diomed at any time when I went to him, which I never did but twice, lest I might give occation of suspition.

The first time I went to him I had on two sutes of Clothes, the one whereof I left with him (after I had acquainted him with my intent) which he conceal’d till he might have occation to use them. The windows of his Chamber were all bar’d cross with Iron Barres, so that I knew there was no way for him to get out, though I could have procur’d a Poison which in time would have eate those Barres in sunder; but that would have taken up more time then I had to spend; and besides it might perhaps have been discover’d by some or other: but I took a more speedy course, for I had brought with me an Iron Instrument, wherewith he might in short time dig thorough the Wall. I told him on which side to make his breach, and the Night following when sleep had summon’d all to rest, he began it; and in a short space made one wide enough to creep out at; which when he had done, he fastned a Cord which I had also brought him, to a Beame which went cross his Chamber, and by it slid downe into my Armes where I stood ready to receive him. But now the day [fol. 42 v ] being too farre advanced for us to proceed any further till the next night, I led him to my Chamber, where I conceal’d him till the ensuing night might afford us a conveniency of pursuing our design, knowing none would in the least suspect his being there.

But many houres had not pass’d ere some of Iros’s servants told him Diomed was gone, whereat he was most ex[t]reamly troubled, as well he might, knowing on him Oruntus would discharge the uttmost of his fury; nor knew he whether it were his best way to go and acquaint Oruntus with it, or conceale it as long as he might from him, in hope he might find out who were his Assistants; for without some being privie to it he was perswaded he could not have made an escape: but at last he resolv’d to make no words of it for a day or two; and happie for us it was he did not; for had it been known, it would questionless have been more difficult, if not impossible for me to have got him out of Towne. Assone as darkness had extinguish’d the brightness of the day, I led him downe into a Garden which was full half a mile in length, at the end whereof was a Gate which opened into certain{116} Fields, the Key of which I had receiv’d of the Princess. On the back side of the Gate I had tide two Horses, on which we mounted, and fetching a compass round about the City, we came (after many turnings and windings, to avoid the danger of a pursute) to your Campe, where we were ceaz’d on as Prisoners and brought hither.

Phileno having finish’d his relation, Barsarnes desired one of those Officers that were present to make him his Bedfellow for that night, which he with willingness haveing consented too, they all wish’d him good rest, and retir’d to their owne. The next dayes news was brought that Achemenes was within a days march with all that mighty Armie that he brought with him; which when Diomed heard, he made all possible preparation to receive him; and being come he went to meet him; and falling on his knees and embraceing the Kings, who raised him up, and pressed him in his Armes with a most tender affection. I am glad (said Achemenes to him) to find my feares were vaine, and that Heaven has taken such a perticuler care for your saftie and deliverance as has rendred mine unnecessary. But had the Gods suffer’d the Tyrant to have taken away your life, you see I come prepared for a revenge which nothing could have equal’d but his cruelty.

This is not the first time Sir (repli’d Diomed) that I have been oblig’d to your Majesty, for in so high a manner have you multipli’d your unmerited Favours on me, that my whole life could I live Nestors age would be too little to study for an expression of my gratitude: but for this last effect of your goodness tis somuch to be admir’d, that I want words to express that deep sense I have of it. But if I might not seeme importunate, I would humbly sue Sir, that Oruntus’s rigour to me, might not provoke you to treat Cydarius ill, who is a person (if my judgment deceives me not) truly generous, and not guilty of any thing that may be term’d a crime, for if performing the duty of a loyall subject be his greatest Crime, what must his Vertues be.

It troubles me said Achemenes that Diomed should think any argument more prevalent with me then his desires, and tis to those I give Cydarius, from this minute he is yours to dispose of as you [fol. 43 r ] please, if you thinke good to give him his freedome, you may freely do it.

Diomed having given the King thankes, dispatch’d a Messenger to Cydarius to come to him with all speed, which he did; with a Guard, not dreaming of his freedome: but when he came to Diomed he quickly gave him to understand he was no longer under a restraint for I have obtain’d that of Achemenes for you (said he) which your inexorable King would not consent too on my behalf; this gratitude would have bound me too had Friendship no share in the Obligation; but being oblig’d by two such tyes I could not do less, and to do more is not in my power: I will not court you to stay with us, though I should be extreamly glad to enjoy you longer, that I might have time to tell you how much I am your Friend: but I cannot desire that of you, which I would not my self consent too, for I know Cydarius is too noble to desert his King at such a time as his assistance is most{117} requisite, and when all the strength that he can make will be too little to oppose us.

Though I had much rather stay with you (repli’d Cydarius) then returne to Issedon, yet since my honour calls me I must goe; but this I will assure you ere we part, I’le sooner turne the point of my owne Sword to my brest then unsheath it against so true a Friend: with this protestation, after he had embraced Diomed he took his Leave and went to Issedon.

But the third day after he return’d again, desiring to be admitted to the Kings presence. There was with Achemenes at that present, Diomed and divers of the Persian Nobility who all admir’d what brought him back so suddenly: but assoon as Diomed had notice of his being without, he went immediatly to fetch him in; but when he saw him, he thought he had beheld the Picture of Sorrow rather then Cydarius: for so strangly was he chang’d, that had not his Face been very fresh in his memory it would have been no easie thing to have known him. He seeing Diomed look so amazedly on him, told him he had reason to admire [wonder] at his dejected lookes.

But your wonder (said he) will quickly cease when once you know the cause of my returne, and the sad occation of my alteration, or if it still continues, it will rather be that I have liv’d to tell it you: but I have prolong’d my unhappy life for no other end then onely to come and implore your King and you, to revenge the death of a Princess whose Vertue and innocence loudly calls for vengeance.

What Princess (said Diomed hastily interrupting him)[?]

The faire Clazomena (repli’d he) who has been sacrificed to the brutish rage of an inhumane Father, both upon your account and mine.

Oh Heavens (said Diomed with an action full of transport) is it possible that any Father should so far divest himselfe of all sentiments of pitty, or that any humane shape should harbour such a Flinty heart, that so much beauty, and so clearly a Vertue (as report spake her to be endued with) could not melt into compassion. Come (added he taking Cydarius by the hand, and leading him to the King) feare not to obtain of Achemenes all you can desire.

Being come up to the [fol. 43 v ] Chaire where the King was seated, he threw himself down before him. It is not more my misfortune then my griefe dread Sir said he, that I am constrain’d to sue for Justice from another King against my owne; which no concerne of mine how deare soever should have compell’d me too, had not his unheard of, and most detestable cruelty cancel’d all those bonds of Alleigance that ty’d me to him: but now I can no longer look on him as my Soveraign, but as the Murtherer of Vertue it selfe in the person of the vertuous Clazomena, in whose behalf I now presume to beg most gracious King you will take on you to revenge the most deplored death of that poor Princess; for none on earth I know to whom more fittly to appeale for vengeance then to the great Achemenes.

I doe not at all admire (said Achemenes) at the severity of your King towards his enemies, since he has been so cruell to his neerest Relation, his onely Child:{118} but assure your self Cydarius if the Gods permit, he shall find from my hand a punishment worthy of him. But in the meane time, pray let me heare the manner of this horrid Tragedy.

After I had from your Royall bounty receiv’d the favour of my Freedome (said Cydarius) I went immediatly to Issedon where I was wellcom’d by all, and receiv’d by Oruntus with seeming expressions of no ordinary Joy: for seeing me, he rose from his seat, and embraceing me, he declar’d, he knew not whether was greater, his Joy or wonder to see me safe in Issedon again.

And infinitly do I long (said he) to be resolv’d how you got free; for I cannot imagine, unless Achemenes has given you your liberty in hopes that I will be so generous as to act by his example, and give Diomed his; but if he has done it upon that account, I shall laugh to see how much I shall deceive his expectations; for he must dy, since I have vow’d it, and nothing but my concerne for you, could have prevail’d with me to protract so deare a satisfaction as his death will be to me: but now that you are here in saftie, I will no longer delay it. Goe presently (said he to some that stood neer him) goe, and give order a Scaffold be immediatly erected on the Citty Wall, where in the sight of all the Persians he may loose his head.

I seeing him so eager in the pursute of an imaginary revenge which he was never like to take, could not forbear smiling to my selfe, though I was very much concern’d to see how obstinatly he was bent upon the distruction of my Noble Friend: but not to interrupt him, I let him go on till he came to a period, and then I told him. Sir (said I) to him. Diomed must dy, tis very certain, but the date of his life is not so neer an expiration as you suppose, since it depends on Heavens decree, not yours.

You are mistaken Cydarius (said he) Heaven has not a Miracle great enough to adde one day more to his life; for ere the Sun descends into the Western shades he shall have breath’d his last.

Were you not my Soveraign (I repli’d) I should presume to say you did amiss, to limmit the puissance of the Gods, or measure an infinite by a Finit power: think not sir, but that the Gods can by some meanes or other, (although unknown to you) if so they please, rescue him from you even at that very moment when you believe his Destiny the neerest. [fol. 44 r ]

With that there came one running in, and told Oruntus that having been at the Prison to bid Diomed prepare for his ex^e^cution he could not find him there: which when he heard, he fell into a rage I am not able to express; he stamp’d, and tore his haire, for madness, with other extravagant actions unbeseeming the Majestie of a King: at last coming to me, and casting a look on me so terrible, that all except my selfe trembled to see him; but innocence is never terrifi’d with frowns, and therefore being guiltless of any thinge that could be thought crimenall, I receiv’d him with asn undesturb’d a countenance as his was fierce.

But fixing an eye on me which sparkled with fury, Villain (said he), tis thou hast rob’d me both of the glory, and satisfaction of my revenge that I design’d to have taken on that Homocide: didst thou imagine (Traitour as thou art) that thy{119} being the first Prince of the blood should excuse thee or move me to pardon thee: but I perceive thou art so far from accounting what thou hast done, a Crime, that thou rather gloriest in it, and comest to upbraid me, as even now thou didest, with my want of power to punish a Malefactoures, which thou, not the Gods hast ravisht from me: and after the contrivance of thy treachery, and the accomplishment of it, thou hast the impudence to appeare in my presence; for which, thy life alone shall be a recompense: nay, I am onely sorry thou hast but one, to satisfie my just anger with.

Sir (repli’d I) if I had any way deserv’d this wellcome, or done any thing that justly might displease you, I should most willingly embrace Death as the due desert of that treachery, and impudence you are pleas’d to charge me with; but till I am convicted of a crime that may deserve it your Majesty must excuse me if I cannot somuch injure my owne Innocence as to beg pardon for what I am not guilty of. That Diomed has escap’d those tortures you threatned him withall, and is at present in the Persian Campe, is not a greater truth, then that I had no hand in his escape nor ever contriv’d, or in the least assisted him in it or once so much as knew of it, till that very day he sent me home by the permission of Achemenes, and therefore Sir if it can be prov’d by the testimony of any one Witness that what I say is false, inflict on me the severest of your punishments: but if I am worthy to dy meerly because I know he is at liberty, all here are now no less culpable then my self.

I question not (answer’d Oruntus) since you had so much subtilty to act your Treason undiscover’d, but you still retaine cunning enough to conseale it, but what you so confidently deny, the Rack shall instantly force you to confess.

Such a thing (repli’d) I was never heard before, that a free born Prince should be exposed to the ignominious punishment of a Gally Slave: but you are my King, and I your Slave it seemes; you may inflict, and I must suffer: but tis not all your Torments shall make me belie my innocence. I have serv’d you faithfully Sir; nor in the course of my whole life have I ever let a thought into my So^u^le that misbecame a faithfull Subject; and am I thus rewarded: however I cannot repent my Loyalty, since Heaven I know will recompense it.

At Oruntus’s command they were going to lay hands on me to lead me to that Torture he had so unjustly condemn’d me too: but the faire [fol. 44 v ] Clazomena (with a Face all bathed in Teares, falling on her knees) besought him to give her leave to speake. He seeing her in that posture, remitted something of his passion; and raising her up, demanded what she had to say. I come Sir (said she) to cleare Cydarius, and withall to put into your hands the offendor, who is no other then the unhappie Clazomena your unfortunate Daughter, who has been so unhappie as to displease you in so high a manner. I will not beg my life, for should you give it me without a pardon, the sense of your displeasure would be much more grievous then any other punishment I can suffer. The onely thing that I’le implore, shall be (continu’d she falling on her knees again) that when by death I have expiated my offence, that then you will forgive Sir what t’was not in my power to{120} help; for the Gods can witness for me, that had there been any hopes for me to save what was far dearer to me then my life, by any other way then that I took; I never would have ventur’d to provoke your anger.

Oruntus having hearkned to her with astonishment, assum’d again that fury wherewith his Visage was so lately painted: whilst we that were there present were strook with a terrible apprehension what would be the event of that Storme which we saw rising. Twise, or thrise did he walk two and fro about the Roome with hasty steps; and then coming to her with a look so full of terrour that it was able to have daunted a stouter courage then Clazomenas. And was it you then Traitoress (said he) that durst presume not only to oppose, but absolutely to hinder the design both of your Father, and your King, upon that Murtherer of your Royall Uncle; for whom if thou hadst any kindness whilst living, or any spark of pitty remaining for his unfortunate death, or any sense of duty towards me, thou wouldst sooner thy self have pierced his heart with a Dagger, then contriv’d a meanes to save his life. You imagine you have done a glorious Act; yes no question you have gain’d an everlasting Fame, by obliging your Fathers utter enemy; to the sole ruine of that content which he aim’d at in his distruction. Degenerate Girle, (pursu’d he) unworthy of the title of Oruntus Daughter, whom I shall never think on more without a blush, when I reflect upon thy crime, which renders thee so odious to me, that I repent thou hadst thy being from me: but since thou art become a Rebell against nature, I will not give so ill a president to any Parent as to indulge rebellion though in his owne blood: for I will rather chuse to be counted cruell, then unjust; which I should be, should I pardon that in you which I would punish in another. Thy crimes being of so deep a dye, nothing but thy blood can wash away the staines, or give me a sufficent reparation for what thou hast depriv’d me of. I will therefore, that thou immediatly, in the same place, and manner pay downe thy life, as he whom thou hast wrested from me should have done.

With that a shower of Teares fell from faire Clazomena’s eyes able to have mollifi’d a heart of Adamant, and infused pitty into the fiercest Tiger: but this remorceless King was more obdurate.

Think not (said he) that thou canst move me by these Crocodilian teares to pitty thee, no, since [fol. 45 r ] thou hast forgot the duty of a Child, I can forget the compassion of a Father. Goe, try if you can suffer for your treason as bravely as you acted it: it will rejoyce me rather to dye childless, then to leave such a one as you behind me.

Seeing I must dye (said she) I will not scruple to declare the cause of my offence; which were I to live, those Racks you threatned Cydarius with, should never have compell’d me to confess: t’was Love sir that constrain’d me to do what I have done; but yet, a love so pure, so innocent that I can no otherwayes repent it then as it has been the occation of incurring your displeasure, which to appeaze (I declare) I embrace death more willingly then you condemne me to it.{121}

Something more she was about to say, but he prevented her by saying: art thou not content to do amiss, but thou must agravate thy crime by a declaration of thy Folly; which it would better have becom’d thee to conceale, then publish with thy almost dying breath. I’le heare no more; take her away: this night let her be confin’d to her Chamber, and to morrow on the Scaffold let her loose her head.

This cruell sentence past, he went away, leaving her (poor unhappy Princess) to lament her destiny, which I resolv’d to hinder, or beare her company to the other World: to which intent, my self, with many other of the Nobility follow’d Oruntus, and threw our selves at his Feet; beseeching him to spare our Princesse: and if his wrath could not be pacifi’d without a sacrifice, we beg’d that he would sacrifice us all to his anger, so he would be but so mercifull as forgive her. But he was no less inexorable upon her account then yours sir (said Cydarius to Diomed) but when I saw no intreaty could prevaile, I resolv’d to try the rethorick of Force. I was not ignorant it was a crime unpardonable in me to oppose my King: and had it been on any other score, I would sooner have died then resisted the least of his commands; but I could not suffer this cruell Decree of his against the Princess to be put in execution, without doing my utmost to prevent it; really believing when the height, and violence of his Cholour was a little over, he would esteeme it ^rather^ an obligation, then an Offence that I hindred him from perpetrating so horrid a cruelty.

But I confess I did not then consult with duty, somuch as with somewhat else which then began to take possession of my Soule. I found how ill the severity of Oruntus was resented [felt] by all in generall; which gave me no small hopes I should be seconded in my design: however I resolv’d to be quiet till the last, hoping the King would of himselfe revoke his sentence when he had a little consider’d what he had done: but alass my hopes were but Flatterers, for he still held his resolution; for the next day was not many houres old when he gave order for Clazomena to be led to Execution. All that night I never clos’d my eyes, but spent it in going from one place to another; making it my business to see how many I could perswade to joyne with me; and indeed Fortune was so propitious to me, that I found so considerable a number that would take my part (and most of them men of quality) that I did not dispaire of accomplishing my design of rescuing Clazomena. There was above a 100 that I had gain’d in that short time; and more I question’d not but would assist us if [fol.45 v ] occation shoule [should] invite them: these all devoted their lives intierly to the Princesses service, vowing every man of them to dye in the place ere she should: but I enjoyned them to make no ressistance, nor stir till such time as they should see me draw my sword, and then, I gave them order what to do.

No sooner was Oruntus’s command given concerning his Daughter but she was brought forth of her Chamber by those appointed to guard her to the Place of execution, which were not many, Oruntus not apprehending any would be so hardy as to offer any opposition to his Will. I was just going to her Chamber{122} when I met one of her servants that waited on her coming to seek me out, to tell me the Princess desir’d to speak with me: I following him, met her just as she was coming out of her chamber; she espying me came towards me, whilst those about her withdrew at a little distance out of that respect which they could not but still acknowledge due to the granduer of her birth. I seeing her come towards me hasted to meet her; whilst she looking on me with an Eye so sweet, and yet so sad, as would have inspir’d pitty into the heart of the most savage Creature: I am sure it so far pierced mine that I could not refrain from teares; but some drops in despight of me stole from my eyes: which she perceiving, fetching a sighe, and earnestly looking on me. Cydarius (said she) you are now by just succession to sway this Scepter, if the valour of the conquering Persian leave you any thing to rule: then let me conjure you by that Vertue which has hitherto shin’d bright in all your actions, when my Father has by death put off his Crowne, and you have put it on, never, oh never let cruelty dim the splendour of it: for believe it the richest, and most glorious Diadem if once soil’d with that, looses its luster, and becomes contemptable; for nothing so well sutes with Majesty as mercy.

With that, taking me by the hand, with an obliging freeness (which she had never us’d before; and which I could not but admire at, knowing the reservedness of her humour) farewell Cydarius (said she) I dy most willingly since I leave you behind me to possess my Fathers Throne; which that you may live to enjoy, and with it all true felicity, is the last wish of Clazomena.

With that she put a Paper in my hand, charging me not to open it till Death had closed her eyes, and was turning about to go away; but ere she went, I told her, that then I must never see what it contain’d. For you must live Madam (said I) or I must dy as well as you; tis not the treasure of Oruntus’s Crowne shall hire me to survive you; for that would be a burden so intollerable when I should reflect on that fatall occation that preserved it to me, that I could ne’re be able to support it.

Whether or no she heard me I know not, for she was gone a good distance from me ere I had done speaking: but seeing her gone I followed after till she mounted the scaffold, which she look’d on as the Stage whereon she was to act her lives last part. But seeing her prepare for the reception of the fatall blow, I saw it was then no time to dally, or expect any mercy for her from her cruell Father: I mounted the Scaffold (none opposing me, not knowing, but I had authority so to do) and snatching out my Sword, I run the Ex^e^cutioner through, crying out, he that seekes to take the Princesses life away, must first take mine; for [fol. 46 r ] whilst I have strength to weild my sword, I will defend hers against the World.

The suddeness of the action, and the vehemence of my words amaz’d all that either heard, or saw me; which I perceiving, told them. Till now, I could not have believ’d that Scythia had bred so many base unworthy men, as tamely to stand and see their Princess put to death meerly to saciate the cruelty of their King: who though he has at present suffer’d his passion to insult over his reason so farre as to compell him causelessly to condemne ^her^ to this ignominious{122} death; yet, when his anger is a little over (as questionless it will, ere long) he then will curse us all, for suffering that to be done, which his passion, not himself commanded: and then I dare promise you he will rather thanke then be offended with us, that we thus prevented the exterpation of his royall Family; which you all know in Clazomena is extinct. I think none of you heare are ignorant how I oppose my owne interest in seeking to preserve her: and therefore certainly you cannot deeme it rebellion, but rather love to my King, that forces me to draw my sword in opposition of his injustice; that I might thereby hinder him from doing that, which will not onely render him hatefull to all good, and vertuous Princes, when Fame has once proclaim’d him to be the Murtherer of a Princess surpass’d by none for Vertue; and ^but^ pull downe on him the just Vengeance of heaven.

Having done speaking, I heard a murmuring amongst the multitude, which at last brake forth into loud shoutes: the greatest part of them crying, long live our Princess; let the Princess Clazomena live. But in the meane time, some pickthanks (who had seen what I had done) ranne with open mouthes to Oruntus to acquaint him with it; which, with a strang impatience having heard, he gave order for his Guards (which were 200 horse) to go immediatly and hew in pieces all that made resistance. This Order being given, the Guards soon appear’d, to execute the Kings command; which that Party which I had gain’d perceiving, met them with undaunted resolutions; between whom, began a most bloody skirmish, which Clazomena seeing. Oh Cydarius (said she) what have you done: you have a little while detain’d me here, but alass ^that^ short reprieve will onely render my death more terrible to me, since it will be accompani’d with the slaughter of many of my Fathers subjects, and my Friends, who will unavoidably loose their lives in the quarell of an unfortunate Creature.

Feare not Madam (I repli’d) the Gods I trust will yet preserve you; but if it be decreed that you now must enter the Gates of Death, Cydarius will lead you the way, not stay to follow you: but I must leave you for a while, and either purchace your saftie, or my owne death.

With that, I left the scaffold to joyne with my Party, which I found increas’d to a far greater number then I could have hop’d; so that I did not doubt but to make conditions with Oruntus ere the Fray was ended. Greater advantages I might have gain’d, durst I have pursu’d them; for the adverse Party began to retreat, but I durst not follow very far, lest Clazomena should be taken from me by a surprize, and so I might thereby loose the onely Prize for which I fought: but at last, taking the Princess in my hand Armes, halfe [fol. 46 v ] dead with feare, I carried her to the house of one Adrastus (my assured friend) where I left her with a sufficent Guard to defend her, and return’d to renew the Fight, which now began to be more bloody then before; for Oruntus hearing of the ill success of his Guards, was coming towards us with the remaines of what souldiers he had left, which were more numurous by far then those we had; but what we lack’d in number, was suppli’d with courage: as for Oruntus Partie, they were not wanting in that perticuler neither; but the badness of their cause, and the goodness of{124} ours, took off much of that height of courage wherewith they fought, though the King did all he could to animate them. But those men I had (which were very few in number, in comparison of the other) though they did as much as it was possible for men to do, yet doubting, thorough inequality of number I should at last be overcome, I seemingly retreated, and drew back till I came to one of the Citty Gates; and ceazing on the guard which kept it, I put others in their places: which when I had done, I vow’d to set open the Gate for the Persians to enter, if Oruntus would not consent to let the Princess live.

This resolute determination being told the King (fearing as it seemes, that I would do what I had vow’d; and knowing force would be in vain to hinder me, since I had proceeded so far) he advanced towards me, and ^calling^ me by my name. Cydarius (said he) I could not have believ’d (had not my eyes as well as eares assur’d me) you would ere have been so base a Traitor to your lawfull Soveraign, not onely to oppose him in his commands, but to threaten also, to deliver him up to his enemies: which I have now cause to suspect you design’d when you were a Prisoner, and that you obtain’d your liberty on that score, though you make the rescue of Clazomena the pretence to palliate your treachery.

The name of a Traitor Sir (repli’d I approaching him with a reverend respect) I have no way merited, though your Majesty has been pleas’d to brand me with that infamous title more then once; but I utterly disclame it: for I call Heaven to witness, I never had the least intention to betray you, as you unjustly charge me: nor so much as a thought that tended to the diservice of your Majesty. But if Sir, you object this that I have done in the behalf of the Princess; I have in that, done nothing that you can justly call treachery, or rebellion; since I drew not my sword against you, but against your unjust passion, which transported you beyond all reason, to command things, which if they had been perform’d, your self Sir, would have been the first would have repented it. Had it been my self you had condemn’d to dy (though never so unjustly) I would with my owne hand have become the Exe^c^utioner of your sentence, rather then have opposed your Will though it had been in my power: but you must pardon me Sir, if I could not pay you so blind an obedience upon the Princesses account. If either Prayers, or teares could have prevail’d, I had not been necessitated to make use of Force; which meanes how unwillingly I had recourse too, the Gods can tell. And as I onely unsheath’d my sword in her defence, so if your Majesty ^will^ but spare her life (since your anger cannot otherwise be appeaz’d, but by [fol. 47 r ] the life of an Offender) I’le freely give you mine Sir; shed the remainder of that blood which I have not been spareing of in your service, but let that Vertuous, that Innocent Princess live.

Tis not for you (repli’d the King) to appoint me whom to spare or whom to punish. But that you may have no colour for your treacherous designes, upon condition you, and all your accomplices throw downe their Armes and submit to my mercy she shall live; but let her repaire to her Chamber, and not see my face.{125}

I confess I did not press him to it (hoping since he had condescended she should live, time would obtain that favour which at present he deni’d her) but without delay caus’d all those that adhear’d to me to fling downe their Armes, and submit themselves, whilst I did the like; and with teares of Joy gave the King thanks, never standing to capitulate with him for my selfe, or any of the rest, nor to provide for the security of our lives; which I was not ignorant lay at his mercy when we had disarm’d ourselves: but I supposing he having lost so many of his soldiers in the quarell, that all he had left would be few enough to maintain the siege, would not take away any of our lives unless it were mine; which I valued not at all since I had been so happie (as I thought) to have preserv’d the Princess Clazomena’s.

But we had no sooner disarm’d our selves, but my self, and a dozen more of the chiefest of those that tooke my part, were ceaz’d on, and carried to Prison; where the rest of that day, and the next night we were strongly guarded: but early the next morning Oruntus sent for me to come to him; which order I obey’d: and being come, he commanded me to follow him to Clazomenas chamber. I hearing him say so, began to admire what his intentions were. But being enter’d, and earnestly looking about for the Princess, I spied Hersilia (her Favourit) standing by the Bed with her Face so drown’d in teares, that I scarce knew at first whether it were she or no. This sight struck me into a terrible apprehension to think for what intent I was brought thither; but the King soon let me know, for drawing open the Curtains of Clazomenas bed. See there Cydarius (said this cruell King) behold how well you have employ’d your Valour; didst thou believe fond man (continu’d he) she was secure because I promis’d thee her life: tis true, I did so; but did not promise thee how long I would permitt that life to last. Thou thoughtst because thou hindredst hinderst me from giveing her one death, that I could find no more to make her suffer: but a draught of Poyson is as effectuall as a Headsmans Axe. You have deserv’d death no less then she; but if ^I^ mistake not you would rather esteem that as a favour now then a punishment, and therefore you shall live: but this night depart Issedon, and within five dayes Scythia, and never enter my dominions more I charge you; for if you do, I vow by all the Gods to make you such an example, as shall be a sufficent terrour to all such presumptious Traitors as your self.

Assoon as he had done speaking he left me, and went out of the Roome, giving me no leasure to answer him; neither indeed had he stay’d, could I have repli’d suddenly; for such was my amaze that for a good while it depriv’d me of my speech. At first I confess I onely fancied her asleep, and that Oruntus said what he did onely to try how I would resent [feel] [fol.47 v ] her death; for it could not sink into my imagination that any Father, how great a Tyrant soever, could so unconcernedly look on his Child when he had murther’d her. But being confirm’d more by Hersilias teares then his words that she was but too certainly dead; though who ever had seen her would hardly have believ’d Death had took possession of that faire habitation: for dead as she was, she yet appear’d so{126} exceedingly lovely, as in my life I ne’re beheld her look more sweetly. For that vile Theefe though he had rob’d her of her soule, had not dispoyl’d her of those vermilion Roses which Nature had implanted in her Cheeks. But when I had regain’d my speech, and that I was assur’d that what I saw was but too true; my griefe immediatly grew to that height, that I know not whether it may more properly be term’d griefe or madness; for so was I transported with it, that I knew not a long time either what I did, or said.

One while I exclam’d against the Fates, another while against Oruntus for deceiving me: then would I change my thoughts, and rave as much against my self, for trusting her so soon in the hands of an incensed Father without some greater assurance of saftie for her. Oh Heavens what did I not say, and think in the height of my fury. I then resolv’d to go and kill Oruntus, and so reveng on him his Innocent Daughters death; and questionless in that transported rage wherein I was at that instant, I had done what I resolv’d, though I had been sure to have had my heart pierced with a 1000 swords assoon as I had done it. But when I remembred I was without a sword, or any other Weapon to attempt his life, I was constrain’d to let that resolution give way to one more reasonable, when I call’d to mind how he had commanded me to depart out of Issedon; which was, that I determin’d to come and implore your Majesty (said he to Achemenes) to revenge my Princesses death since tis impossible for my self to do it. But first I went to the side of the Bed whereon the poor dead Princess lay; and looking on her a long time, without so much as speaking one word, and indeed my passion was so great, that I knew not in what language so fittly to express the greatness of it as in my sighes and teares. Then taking one of her faire hands I kist it a hundred times, assuming to my self a favour that I durst never have aspired too had she been sensible of my presumption.

Hersilia (finding by the abundance of my sighes and teares, my griefe to be as extreame as the cause of it was lamentable) first brake silence. I perceive sir (said she) by the excess of your sorrow for the untimely end of my deare dead Mistress, that you have perus’d that Paper which she gave you; wherein I suppose you find what a perticuler interest you have in her death, above all others.

No Hersilia (I repli’d) I was ever too just an observer of the Princess Clazomenas commands to violate the least of them for the satisfaction of my curiosity; though I confess I had an ardent desire to know what she had intrusted me withall: but had my desires been much more violent, they should never have tempted me [fol.48 r ] to disobey her commands in the least perticuler, for since she thought fit to enjoyn me not to look on that Paper till after her death I had not a thought capable of disobedience; and being ignorant that this sad Tragidie was acted till I was brought hither to be a sad spectatour of it, your self can witness I have not had so much command over my passion as to be in a condition to acquaint my self with the contents of it; and therfore know not of any other interest I have in her deplorable death then as she was the Daughter of my King, and might one day have been ^my^ her Soveraign ^her^ my selfe, had not the{127} cruell Fates, or rather a cruell Father depriv’d her of her Life: but having had the honour more frequently to enjoy a converse with her (by reason of my relation to her) then any of her Fathers subjects, I became more perfectly acquainted with those admirable perfections in her, which rendred her the glory of the World: and therefore being highly sensible what an irreparable loss the whole Kingdome in generall sustaines by loosing this inesteemable Princess, I cannot think the greatest griefe, and sorrow I can possibly express to be any other then a just tribute due to her memory.

Since you have not look’d in that Paper (answered Hersilia) I could wish Sir you never would; because I know, what it containes will much a^u^gment your sorrow.

That (said I) which you use as an argument to divert me from the sight of it, shall the sooner invite me to it: and the rather because I believe it was the Princesses desire I should see it; or else she would never have given it me with such an Injunction as she did: and I must needs blame my selfe for leaving her Will so long unperform’d which by this Paper (continu’d I pulling it forth and opening it) I may come to understand.

Ah Sir (said she with a flood of teares) you will find nothing there, but the possibility you lately had of being the happiest of men, and an assurance that you are now the most unfortunate, if you have a right resentment [feeling] of the Princesses ^thoughts^.

Be it what it will (repli’d I) I shall soon be resolv’d; with that I open’d it and read these words.

I know you have a soule incapable of ingratitude; and therefore I need not enjoyn you to pitty the unhappie fate of the most perfect Friend your Vertues can acquire you: but since nothing but my death could be a sufficent testimony of my Friendship (for other title those severe rules which Vertue prescribes will not permit me to give that esteeme I had for you) I have not declin’d giving you that unquestionable testimony of it, for the preservation of your life; which I was but too well assur’d had been inevitably lost, if the valiant Prisoner by my meanes had not escap’d. Adue forever Deare Cydarius, the dying Clazomena takes her last leave of you, beging no greater recompence for the loss of that life, which for your sake she willingly forgoes, then to live forever in your memory: and which the rather to oblige you too, she permits you to believe that whilst she liv’d you had the intire possession of hers; pardon the expression which no consideration should ere have forced from my Pen, but this, that Deaths cold Hand conceales the blushes of the unhappie


[fol.48 v ] Judge Sir [Achemes] I beseech you what my resentments [feelings] were when I had read these words: for if meere pity before transported me to such a degree of sorrow; what effects so powerfull a passion as Love when joyn’d with it, must needs produce. For I must confess I had no sooner perus’d those lines,{128} but my heart, which till that instant enjoy’d all imaginable freedome, not once having the least inclination to court anything but Glory; that very instant felt an unknown Fire; which every Line, nay every silable were as so many sparks to kindle a Flame which never can ^be^ extinguish’^d^ but with my life; for from that very moment I became as great an Amorist, as those that for divers yeares have made proffession of the most violentest passion; never considering the impossibility of ever enjoying the Object of my Love: which to any but my selfe had questionless been argument enough to oppose what I willingly entertained. For when I consider’d it was onely for my sake she had lost her dearest life, I thought my selfe oblig’d to love her, or rather to adore her dead as she was, with as constant, and faithfull an affection as ever the loyallest Lover breathing was capable of; or as if she had been living to reward it.

Assoon as I had read over those Words which but now I repeated, I walk’d again to the Bedside; and looking on Clazomena, with eyes so overflow’d with teares that I could scarce discerne thorough them the onely Object which I desir’d eternally to behold.

Ah dearest Princess (said I with a sigh as sad as the occation of it) was it for me unhappie Wretch, and for my sake that you have lost that precious life. Oh miserable Cydarius (pursu’d I) how accurst art thou, since thou hast liv’d to see thy Princess become thy Victime: to save thy life her owne is sacrificed; and that must willingly by her owne consent: and can I see, and know this, and not in gratitude follow her; ah no, I must not yet, tis fit I first revenge her death on the Author of it, and then upon my selfe as being the occation of it; for live I will not, live I cannot since Clazomena does not.

Ah Hersilia (said I turning to her) what a Destiny has the Fates ordain’d me; they have shewn me a heaven of happiness, onely to make the resentments [feelings] of my misery the more bitter; why did I not know my happiness when I might have been sensible of it; or why was I now acquainted with it, since tis forever vanish’t.

Had you took my advice Sir (she repli’d) you should still have been ignorant of it, since I knew very well how much it would a^d^de to your sorrow, which I saw before was too extreame.

My griefe (said I) is now my onely consolation; therefore if you can informe me of any thing that may make it rise higher, you will more oblige me by telling then by concealing it from me: however favour me so far, as to acquaint me with whatever you knew of my Princesses mind concerning me; for I am sure you were somuch her Favourite that I am perswaded you were not ignorant of her most private thoughts.

Tis very true (repli’d she) I confess it, nor can I deny but that the Princess afforded me that honour in a more perticuler manner then any of her [fol.49 r ] other servants; since I had the honour to be brought up with her from her Infancie, being but two yeare older then herselfe. But certainly I were the unjustest person in the World, if I knew any thing that would be an addition to those sorrowes{129} that are allready but too great if I would let you know it; but since I believe there is not any thing that can give you more tormenting apprehensions then to behold your Princess lye dead before you, and be assur’d t’was onely on your score she died; I think I may venture to declare to you all I know, without any injury to you, or a prejudice to my dear Mistress, seeing she herselfe has thought fit you should not be a stranger to those resent^i^ments[1] she had for you.

Know then Sir (continu’d she) as soon as the Princess became capable of distinguishing those admirable qualities which rendred you the glory of our Scythian Court, from those of other mens; she believ’d you had so good a tittle to her esteeme, that she thought she was oblig’d in Justice to preferre you before all others, not onely in the Court, but Kingdome too: and as her yeares increased, so did her knowledge of your vertues; so that at last she dre grew from esteeme to Friendship; and at length (if I mistake not) that Friendship gave place to affection: but an affection so purely innocent, that I should think it might more properly be term’d Friendship then Love, had she not to the King her Father declar’d it to be Love; for I could never have imagin’d a passion could ever be so long conceal’d. But whether it were Love, or Friendship I will not now dispute; but sure I am it was most violent, as you ^may^ well believe by the sequell, since it produced such unusuall effects. Oft have I have you were her Brother heard her wish you were her Brother, or that t’were possible for her to change her sex that she might more freely enjoy your conversation (which she has many times confest to me, was the onely comfort of her life) and as oft has she most zealously pray’d to the Gods that none might ever love her, that she might not be put to a necessity of disobeying Oruntus if he should at any time find out a person whom he should think worthy of his alliance; resolving never to marry, meerly that she might leave you the Crowne in case she should discease before the King: or if she should out live him (as in all probability she might have done, had not his inhumane cruelty brought her to this untimely end). She then resolv’d assoon as she enjoy’d the Crowne to resigne it to you, contenting herselfe to live a private life. And this (as she said) being the highest testimony of her Friendship which she could possibly devize to give you, she made it her absolute resolution.

And thus a long time she continu’d seeking all imaginable opportunities to oblige you; imputing all she did for you at any time to Friendship, not in the least imagining, or once so much as suspecting it was Love which incited her to what she did (I am certaine) till that very day you she heard you were taken Prisoner: but that newes so surpriz’d her and fill’d her with a griefe so excessive, as she began to perceive it had its rise from something of a more passionate nature then Friendship; which oppinion when she was once confirm’d in, I am not able to [fol.49 v ] tell you Sir (continu’d she) the trouble that these thoughts created in her; but yet it was not so great, but that a little after it was much augmented{130} by the Kings refusall to accept the King of Persias proffer; and thereby abandoning you to the mercy of an enemie, from whom could be expected nothing but a just retalliation of revenge after the slighting so advantagious an offer. Strang^e^ly were the Princesses thoughts distracted when she knew her Fathers absolute determination; and what to resolve upon she knew not: but since it was some comfort in misery to have some faithfull person to whom to impart their discontents; she was pleas’d to make choice of me, whom as she said, she had ever found faithfully, and cordially affected to her service, that so she might a little disburthen her heart of those cares that oppress’d it. Which when she had resolv’d, she call’d me into her Closet, and fully opening her heart to me, she told me she was affraid she had either thorough folly, or ignorance committed a Fault, which she as little knew how to repent of as to repaire.

I see wonder in your face Hersilia (said the Princess) but you will more admire when I shall tell you that I love Cydarius. I have alass (pursu’d she with a sigh) mistaken my affection for him when I term’d it onely Friendship.

Indeed Madam (repli’d Hersilia) I did admire to heare you impeach your selfe of being guilty of a fault, whereas your greatest enemies have not malice enough to imagine such a thing. But since you are so severe to your selfe as to plead guilty before you are accus’d, I think my self oblig’d to vindicate you to your selfe, and tell you Madam that, that which you terme a fault, ought rather to be accounted a Vertue, then a Vice; considering the Law of this Realme which tyes you from marrying any forreign Prince: then seeing you must of necessity make your choice within your Fathers dominions, where is there a person to be found that you can without injustice prefer before Cydarius.

But before I proceed I must humbly intreat your Majesty (said he to Achemenes) not to condemne me as guilty of so great a vanity, as to attribute to my selfe any of those advantagious qualities that the goodness of that Incomparable Princess, or Hersilia imputed to me.

But that I will not interrupt your relation (repli’d Achemenes) I should tell you how much you injure your selfe, if you think you merit less then they ascribe to you: therefore, without any more of these needless Apoligies pray go on with your relation. Something he [Cydarius] would have repli’d in answere to the Kings Complement, but he again desir’d him to proceed, which in obedience to Achemenes’s commands he did. I know very well (answer’d the Princess) Scythia containes not any person whom I can thinke worthy of Cydarius Oruntus’s Daughter but Cydarius; nor am I much troubled that I think him worthy of my esteeme; it is not that which I account my crime; but tis because I should be so foolish as to suffer my selfe to love him any other ways then Friendship does oblige me too, since I may very well assure my selfe he has no other affection for me then what proceeds from that cause.

How do you know Madam (said Hersilia) but that he may have as great a passion for you, as that [fol.50 r ] you have for him, perhaps one much more violent,{131} though that respect he payes the Daughter of his King keeps it close Prisoner in his brest; not dareing to presume to lift his eyes so high.

No no (repli’d the Princess) had he more then a common kindness for me, or any other respect then what my birth may chalenge from him, it were impossible but he would at some time or other have given me some testimony of it, considering how highly I have ever favour’d him; and how unlimated a Friendship I have always had for him; and considering the grandure of his quality, which might without presumption have encourag’d him to raise his pretences to me.

That Madam (repli’d Hersilia) which you use as an argument to authorize a declaration of his Love, is perhaps the reason that deterres him from it; fearing to loose what he has already gain’d: But admit he has as yet no passion for you, I dare affirme did he but know of yours, his Friendship would soon convert it self to one.

But that he ne’re shall know (hastily repli’d the Princess) tis too much I know it my selfe, and that I have to you disclos’d my weakness; but to let Cydarius ever come to the knowledge of it, were a Crime I never would out live. I must contente my selfe in continuing to give him more unquestionable demonstrations of my Friendship by endeavouring to procure his liberty; and if I loose my life in that attempt, I shall not grieve, since that onely can assure him I was more (if more can be) then meerly his Friend.

I have oft heard you say Madam (said Hersilia) if ere you wore the Scythian Crowne, you would un^de^throne[2] you[r]selfe to set him in your place: but that you need not do it, if you will but bestow you^r^ person, where you have already given your heart, and do resolve to give your Crowne: and I am fully perswaded you will much more oblige him by that Gift then by the other; since he may receive the one with an infinite satisfaction to himselfe, but not accept the other without an injurious wrong to you.

Oh do not flatter me (answer’d the Princess) rather tell me he may receive the first with Joy, and reject the other with contempt and scorne; should I be so fondly simple as ^to^ make him any such offer.

Ah Madam (said Hersilia) how can you say you love Cydarius and yet think he has a soule capable of soe meane a baseness, as to be more covetous of your Crowne, then ambitious of your person.

Well (repli’d she) however it be we will dispute no further: go call Phileno hither that I may with him consult how to preserve the life of the valiant Prisoner; on whose, as things now stand, depends Cydarius’s, that my affection may not be less kind to him then my Friendship.

What was was concluded on between the Princess and Phileno the sequell I suppose has enform’d your Majesty, so that I may be excus’d from relating what you are already acquainted with.{131}

Yes Cydarius (answered Diomed) the King has been fully enform’d of all perticulers touching my escape; though till now both his Majesty and my selfe have been ignorant of the cause which excited that most excellent [fol. 50 v ] Princess to conferre on me an Obligation so fatall to herselfe; which misfortune I am so much concern’d for, that were it possible to recall her from the lower shades I would again put my selfe into her Fathers power; and rather then he should have fail’d of his so much desired satisfaction (could I have foreseen what since has happen’d) I would that very day I left my Prison, have quit^t^ed my life with it and on my selfe have ex^e^cuted Oruntus’s unjust revenge, rather then have liv’d to be the unhappy ^occation^ of that innocent Princesses death.

Your resentments [sentiments] are noble like your selfe (said Cydarius) but alass, what could not be mistrusted [suspected], could never be prevented.

After Diomed had beg’d the Kings pardon for this interruption he was silent, and Cydarius went on. Hersilia then told me Clazomenas disquiets for feare her designe should be discover’d, or not take effect: but when she saw it had prospered according to her wishes in my returne to Issedon. Certainly (said Hersilia) nothing could equall her Joy, but her insuing griefe when she heard you condemn’d first to the unsufferable torture of a Rack, and then to suffer death, for that which you were so far from being guilty of that you were not so much as accessary too. But no sooner was the sentence denounced then she resolv’d to hinder the ex^e^cution of it, by exposing herselfe to the King her Fathers fury. What at that present, and since has pass’d, your selfe Sir (continu’d she) hath been an Acter in, or Spectator of; so that I have nothing more to e^i^nforme[3] you of, but onely the manner of her death, which was thus. About some foure houres after the Princess was returned to her Chamber; as she was set musing on her late danger, and by what means she might regain the Kings favour both for herselfe and you; there enter’d one of the Kings servants bringing with him a silver Cup, and on his knee presented it to her; telling her, he was commanded by the King his Master so to do, and not to stirre till he had seen her drink off that which it contain’d: adding withall that he was charg’d to tell her, it was a Potion to purg her heart of all traitorous designes.

The Princess hearing him say so, presently conjectur’d what it was; and not being daunted with the apprehension of death, took it in her hand, and looking on him who brought the fatall Present: tell the King my Father (said she) I receive his Present with thankfullness rather then regreett and am better satisfied to receive my death in private; where none may know the manner of it (but such as I shall enjoyn not to publish it) then on an infamous scaffold in the open view of all world, where all that had seen me so to dye, would (undoubtedly) either have censur’d me guilty of some horrid, strange unheard of Crime, or him of barbarous cruelty: for how severe soever his punishments are to me, I would{133} not have the World esteeme him cruell. Tell him I beg no mercy for my selfe; for seeing tis his desire I should not live, I will not oppose his Will so much as with a wish to the contrary: I onely beg with my last breath, that when I am dead, Cydarius [fol. 51 r ] may again be restor’d to that place he formerly possess’d in his favour, since he never did anything that could displease him, but onely in striving to preserve the life of an unfortunate Creature. And for my owne offence which was far greater, I a thousand times more willingly receive this punishment then the King inflicts it on me.

With that she drank it off, and gave the Cup again to the man, telling him he might assure the King he had discharg’d his Commission. He having seen her drink it with a low reverence went out of the roome, leaving me and my Companions (continu’d Hersilia) to bewaile the ensuing death of our Deare Mistress. I confess I would have taken from her the deadly draught, when I saw she was about to drink it; but she held me off, charging me not to hinder her, unless I inte^n^ded to expose her to something worse: and had it not been for feare of that, I had forced it from her, and thrown it away: but knowing, he that had a heart to be so cruell, might be more so, I found there was nothing for me to do, but to lament what I could not hinder.

For a good while the Princess found no alteration in herself; but at last she perceiv’d a stupid dullness ceaze her spirits, and like the hand of death begin to cloze her eyes: then looking up upon me, come my faithfull Hersilia (said she) come and do thy last Office to thy Mistress; and help me to throw off these Clothes which I shall need no more; and put on those upon me, which tis necessary I carry with me to my last bed. Why doest thou weep Hersilia (pursu’d she seeing me shed teares, not being able to speak to her in any other language) preethee do not grieve, for thy teares will more afflict me then my death does.

Ah Madam (she repli’d) I should be the most hard heartedst creature in the World if I could be a spectator of your deplorable condition with dry eyes: methinks Madam you should rather condemne me of too much moderation in my sorrow, I am sure I blame my selfe for it, and confess I am too patient when I think I must forever loose you; and yet can live to suffer such a loss.

Something the Princess would have said to comfort me (pursu’d Hersilia) but she was not able; for as she was just going to speak her speech fail’d, and her eyes clos’d, just as if she had fallen into a slumber; but alass it prov’d so sound a sleep that I could not awake her, though both I, and the rest of her Wo^e^men did enough by our cryes, and lamentations to have rous’d her from the deepest Lethargie (much more the fastest sleep) had hers been of that nature. When we perceiv’d that Death (instead of his elder Brother) had fetter’d all her senses, and that there was no hopes of recovering her out of his power, we undress’t her, and laid her in her Bed, even in that very posture wherein you now behold her.

Hersilia having ended her tragicall story, stept into her owne Chamber, and presently returning again, brought with her ^the^ Princess Clazomenas Picture (which not long before she had given her) and presenting it to me, She told me,{134} though she valu’d it above all things she had [fol. 51 v ] in the World, yet she would give it to me on condition I would promise to send her a Copie of it assoon as I could possibly procure one to be taken. This Present I receiv’d more thankfully then I should a Crowne, had she in the stead of it presented me with one, and promis’d faithfully to performe what she enjoyn’d me, and that if I chanced to end my unhappie life before such time as I could get a Copie of it taken, I then solemnly vow’d to returne her the Originall: with which promise she being very well satisfied, I took off my Finger a Ring of no small vallue, which I presented to her in token of my gratitude; but she would by no meanes have taken it; nor would not upon that account: but then I beg’d her to weare it in memory of that Friendship I should always retaine for her, which after many refusalls she accepted at last.

Just as I had prevail’d with her to take that Gift (inconsiderable I confess in respect of that rich Present she made me) there came from Oruntus a Messenger who forced me to go away; so that I had not time to reflect on Hersilias relation [narration], nor express how great an addition it was to my sorrow: but I would not obey him till I had first bid adue to the faithfull Hersilia with this protestation, that to the last minute of my miserable life, I would preserve a most perticuler esteeme for her, and that I would never loose the remembrance of this last obligation whilst I had sense remaining in me. Then being hastned by the man I left that dismall Chamber, and presently after Issedon, with a resolution never to returne, till I might see the death of my Princess fully reveng’d; which thorow your Majesties assistance I hope ere long to do.

Cydarius having finish’d his relation, the King gave him a very satisfactory answer: after which, he desir’d him to let him see Clazomenas Picture, which he pulling forth of his bosome (where he wore it) presented it to the King to look on. While Achemenes was viewing it, Phasellus came in; who having heard of Cydarius’s returne, but not of that unhappie accident which brought him back, came thither to enforme himselfe of the occation of his coming. Assoon as he saw Cydarius he went to him, and saluted him very civilly; but when he saw him look so sadly, he conjectur’d, some more then ordinary misfortune had befallen him. When the King had view’d the Picture of that Unhappy Princess, and given a very high commendation of it, all those that were there flock’d about Achemenes to have a sight of it too. Cydarius perceiving their desires, and being willing to oblige them, gave it to Diomed after Achemenes had restor’d it to him. Diomed very much admiring it, gave it to Phasellus, who seem’d more earnestly, and with a much greater attention to look on it then any of the others that had seen it. At length, turning ^it^ to Cydarius, I beseech you Sir (said he) is this Picture the resemblance of a living beauty:

Ah no (repli’d Cydarius).

Indeed I thought so (answer’d Phasellus), for certainly no mortall Beautie ere was [fol. 52 r ] halfe so faire.{135}

You are mistaken (said Cydarius) for that Princess whom it resembles was a thousand times more faire then any Arte^i^st[4] could represent her. Then am not I the most perfectly wretched of all that ever breath’d, that so Excellent a Princess should loose her life for my accursed sake.

With that, in short he told Phasellus whose Picture t’was, and her misfortune; after which he took his leave of Achemenes for that day, and retir’d to a tent appointed for him; whether Diomed waited on him, though he would willingly have dispenced with that him for that civility: but finding him more desirous of solitude than company, he left him, after he had desir’d him to command any thinge that the Campe afforded and appointed Phileno, and two of his owne servants to attend him; for Cydarius was as yet destitute of his owne: but he continu’d not long so, for two of his men to whom he had given order to follow him to the Persian Campe came accordingly soon after, and were conducted to him.

Celia chancing to cast her eye aside saw Amena at a little distance off, and supposing she might be sent by Ermillia to seeke them, call’d her to enquire whether the Queen had dispatch’d that Concerne she was engag’d in; which Amena assuring her she had not, was going away; but the Sicilian believing she could do no less in civility but invite that Lady to take a seat by them; but she perceiving them ingag’d in a serious discourse would needs leave them; after which Celia went on.

  1.  The phrase “re” is crossed out and “i” is inserted, thus correcting “resentments” to “sentiments.” 
  2.  The prefix “un” is underlined and “de” is inserted above. 
  3.  The e is underlined for deletion, and “i” is inserted. 
  4.  The correcting hand underlines “e” and inserts “i.” 


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Rivall Friendship by Bridget Manningham Copyright © 2021 by Arizona Board of Regents for Arizona State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.