
List of Illustrations


1 Nikolaus Rugendas the Elder, Figure Clock with an African Man, ca. 1620
11 ½ × 6 × 5 ¼ in. (29.21 × 15.24 × 13.34 cm), gilt brass, gilt copper, iron, blued iron, and polychrome decoration, Milwaukee Museum of Art, Gift of Gabriele Flagg Pfeiffer M1995.670. Photo credit: Larry Sanders

Part 1: Figuring

1.1 A collection of serious, humorous and affectionate poems, early 18th century, manuscript,  Newberry Library, VAULT Case MS Y 184 .18

1.2 A LETTER from a Merchant at JAMAICA TO A Member of Parliament in LONDON, Touching the AFRICAN TRADE. To which is added, A SPEECH made by a BLACK of Gardaloupe, at the Funeral of a Fellow-Negro, London, 1709, Newberry Library, Ayer 1000.5 .J25 L65 1709

1.3 Anonymous Artist, Double portrait of two women with face patches, oil on canvas, circa 1650, location unknown

2.1 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Jewish Physician” (170r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

2.2 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Jewish Merchant” (249r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

2.3 Pietro Bertelli, “Jewish Peddler” (Plate 15), Diversarum nationum habitus (1594–1596), Folger Library, GT513 B4 Cage copy 1 vol. 1

2.4 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Jewish woman of Andrinople” (276r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

2.5 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Christian gentlewoman of Pera” (123r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

2.6 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Young Jewish woman of Andrinople” (277r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

2.7 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Christian gentlewoman of Andrinople” (268r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

Note 1

1 Nahua youth from the Cuentepec community viewing the facsimile copy of a 1524 map of Tenochtitlan, Cuentepec, Morelos, Mexico, 2022 (Photo: Victorino Torres Nava (Nahua)

Part 2: Mapping

3.1 Hartmann Schedel, “Constantinople” in Liber chronicarum. Nuremberg, 1493, Newberry Library, VAULT oversize Inc. 2084

3.2 Henry Holcroft, Frontispiece of The history of the warres of the Emperour Justinian, London, 1653, Newberry Library, Case Y 642 .P82

3.3 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Grand Dame Turque” (98r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

3.4 Nicolas de Nicolay, “Fille de Ioye Turque” (270r), Les navigations pérégrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Antwerp, 1576, Newberry Library, Wing ZP 5465 .S587

4.1 Nicolas de Fer, “L’Amérique, Divisée Selon l’étendue Ses Principales Parties,” 1698, Newberry Library, Novacco 8F 02 01

4.2 Map of lands in the Tultepec and Jaltocán regions adjacent to the Hacienda de Santa Inés (Mexico), 1569, Pen-and-ink and watercolor (red, green, brown, yellow); mounted on amatl paper, Newberry Library,  VAULT drawer Ayer MS 1801 map 1

4.3 Detail from Nicolas de Fer, “L’Europe Divisée Selon l’étendue de Ses Principales Parties,” Paris, 1696, Bibliothèque Nationale de France

4.4 Detail from Nicolas de Fer, “L’Europe Ou Tous Les Points Principaux.” Paris, 1695, Bibliothèque Nationale de France

4.5 Detail from Nicolas de Fer, “L’Asie Divisée Selon l’étendue de Ses Principales Parties…,” 1696. Bibliothèque Nationale de France

4.6 MS. Arch. Selden. A. 1, fol 2r, Codex Mendoza, Viceroyalty of New Spain, c. 1541–1542, pigment on paper, © Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

4.7 Codex Reese, sixteenth-century Mexico, Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library

4.8 Toponyms for Tultepec, Wikipedia

Note 2

1 Crossroads Installation 2020 (left: Male Figure with Raised Arms, 14th–17th Century, Dogon peoples, The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1969 (1978.412.322) and right: African Magus, one of the Three Kings from an Adoration Group, before 1489, German, The Cloisters Collection (1952. 52.83.2)

2 Terracotta vase with janiform heads, 4th century B.C.E., Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1906, 06.1021.204

Part 3: Performing

5.1 Christoph Weiditz, “African with a wineskin” in Trachtenbuch,1529, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Germany

5.2 Theodor de Bry, “Nigritae exhaustis venis metallicis consiciendo saccharo operam dare debent,” in America. Pt. 5, Frankfurt am Main, 1590, Newberry Library, VAULT Ayer 110 .B9 1590b v. 5

5.3 Michel Wolgemut, “Dance of Death” in Hartmann Schedel, Liber chronicarum. Nuremberg, 1493, Newberry Library, VAULT oversize Inc. 2084

5.4 Hans Burgkmair, “Natives of Guinea and Algoa,” 1508, handcolored woodcut (28.5 × 42.4 cm), Freiherrlich von Welsersche Familienstiftung, Neunhof (Photo credit: copyright Freiherrlich v. Welsersche Familienstiftung)

5.5 Theodor de Bry, “Virginiensium saltandi ratio solennibus festis,” in America. Pt. 1, Frankfurt am Main, 1590, Newberry Library, VAULT Ayer 110 .B9 1590b v. 1

5.6 Theodor de Bry, “Prestigiator,” in America. Pt. 1, Frankfurt am Main, 1590, Newberry Library, VAULT Ayer 110 .B9 1590b v. 1

5.7 Paolo da Lorena (attr.), Plate 23 in Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi and Fortunato Alamandini, Istorica descrizione de’ tre’ regni Congo, Matamba, et Angola, Bologna, 1687, Newberry Library, Ayer 263 .C211 C2 1687

5.8 Paolo da Lorena (attr.), Plate 25 in Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi and Fortunato Alamandini, Istorica descrizione de’ tre’ regni Congo, Matamba, et Angola, Bologna, 1687, Newberry Library, Ayer 263 .C211 C2 1687

5.9 Unidentified Artist, Saint Luis Beltrán Baptizing an African Slave, 39 ½ x 30 ⅛ in, oil on canvas, Ecuador, 1750, Thoma Foundation

5.10 Klauber Workshop. St. Francis Xavier Baptizing a Native, engraving, 18th century. Trento, Museo Diocesano Tridentino

5.11 Unknown Capuchin artist, Black Lord or Prince in the Countryside, watercolor on paper, 34 ×24 cm, late seventeenth century, Parma Watercolors, folio 27, Virgili Collection, Photograph: C. Fromont

5.12 Tenerani and Voigt, Bolivar Freeing the Slaves Statue Inauguration, silver medal, 48.58 mm.; 57.96 gms, 1846, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accession #2002–28

5.13 Copy of Thomas Ball, Emancipation Memorial, bronze, 1876, Boston

5.14 Paul Colin, Josephine Baker, crayon and gouache on paper, 1930, Framed H x W x D: 111.8 × 82.6 × 3.8 cm (44 in. × 32 ½ in. × 1 ½ in.), The Collection of Richard H. Driehaus, Chicago, inv. 49.2016.3


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